Green Energy

Posted by: | October 31, 2010 | 1 Comment

With the relatively sudden realization that traditional carbon energy sources such as oil and coal are contributing to global warming, green energy has been entering the minds of the population. Some people are willing to pay more for their electricity if it comes from a renewable resource. Most people have heard of wind power. Most people know of solar power. In BC, we are very familiar with hydro power. Very few have an idea of what Geothermal power is. Here is a quick explaination.YouTube Preview Image

Geothermal resources are harder to find than solar or wind (since these are above ground), but are able to run about 95% of the time. Solar struggles at night. Wind doesn’t always blow. Geothermal is also more economic to produce than solar. On top of all this, Geothermal is not new technology. They have been doing this for a long time. So why is the exposure for Geothermal so low? We all love the idea of “going green” (which spurs Green Marketing), but if we don’t have renewable electricity, the value of electric cars to the “green consumer” isn’t as high as they perceive it to be. If I use coal to produce the electricity that you put into your new Chevy Volt or Nissan Leaf, is the environment that much better off? Yes, it is probably better, but can be improved.

Personally have to say that the Volt looks 5x better than the leaf. Either way, Green Marketing will benefit greatly from these new technologies. I expect that when celebrities start driving around in their electric cars, followers will catch up quickly.


1 Comment so far

  1. Henery Schaffer on October 31, 2010 12:55 pm

    Well said

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