Marketing + Mining Companies

Posted by: | October 23, 2010 | Leave a Comment

First off, that 296 midterm was tough for me. Guess I won’t be the recruit from Accounting/Finance!

I recently realized that many mining companies could almost be considered to be in different marketing eras, in current day. Production, sales, market and value-based. A mining company in the production stage is basically saying that their properties are good enough on their own to attract investors by itself. Sales-oriented is more like those junior mining companies that should really be worth zero (like a pump and dump type of company) that manage to attract investment. Some “CEO” probably hires some “newsletter writer” to do the advertising and personal selling for them. Market oriented mining companies would be most like some sort of mining conference where investors have the ability to compare companies all under one roof “the buyer is king”. What do the customers want? A return on investment. Value-based marketing would be mining companies with good assets, good management, and a low market cap.  Sounds pretty good to me! So the real question, which companies fit under each market-era?


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