Think, Fell, Do

Recently, I  have read a blog on Drew’s Marketing Minute blog which talked about the two of the best Superbowl commercials. Drew’s opinion is that these commercials can touch people’s heart but may not be able to encourage people to buy their products. Drew’s opinion reminds me one of the psychological factors of consumer behavior which is attitude. Both of these two ads have successfully catch people’s attention by telling a touching story. People firstly moved by the story (feel) and when the commercials end they understand the idea the commercial or the brand is trying to deliver (think). Lastly, their recognition of the brand may influence their behavior. Since these ads are full of positive energy which leave consumers a good imagine of the brand and therefore consumer are willing to understand their products. Though as Drew mentioned, these ads may not be able to ask consumer for a real purchase, it at least make consumer remember them.





1 thought on “Think, Fell, Do

  1. This is a really cute and memorable ad. But as you say, I don’t think it would lead me to buy that brand. It will, as you say, make me remember the brand. However, that’s not going to make the producer rich.

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