
This website is intended for instructors and peers of ENGL 301. ENGL 301 is an online UBC course that aims to introduce aspects of technical writing to students from a variety of backgrounds. This course involves the study of principles of written and online communication in business and professional contexts. ENGL 301 uses various online platforms to help students practice their professional communication skills.

The course is broken down into four components. The first component is about introducing students to the principles of technical writing. This component focuses on the study and practice of the principles of audience, tone, clarity and presentation. The second component applies various principles from the fist component. Students will write a formal report proposal and work on resume building skills through creating an online network strategy, a Linked-In profile, and an online resume. The third component adds on to the second unit by completing a formal report outline and using the acquired resume skills to apply to a real job. This unit focuses on paying attention to job requirements and putting together a full application package. The final unit ties everything together by writing a final draft of the report and finishing the application package. This unit emphasizes organization, evidence, audience, and distinctive style.

I expect to learn many new concepts in professional communication that I will be able to use in any career that I choose. I also hope to come out of this course with a stronger resume. Knowing what is important and how to sound professional in a resume is key to having a strong resume. Lastly, I expect to come out of this course with improved self-editing skills. A large component of this course is self-reflecting and peer editing and I hope that this experience helps me improve my own writing.