Week 12: Speaking Truth to Power

This past week’s lecture and readings touched on some of the dark ages in Argentine history. The 1970s and 80s saw Argentina become the victim of a devastating military coup and subsequent authoritarian  dictatorship. These regimes lead by the likes of Jorge Rafael Videla and _______ were oppressive and violent, silencing voices and instilling utter …

Short Research Assignment

Jose de San Martin -Kathy Moignard This article summarizes Jose de San Martin’s role as one of the liberators of Argantina and Latin America. The article chronicles how San Martin was originally a brilliant young soldier in the spanish army but then returned to his nation of birth, Argentina, in 1812 to fight for the revolutionary …

Week 11: The Terror

Based on the readings, this week’s title The Terror could not have been named more accurately, the utter hardship and violence that was experienced by millions in Latin America from the 60s-90s was truly a terror. As thousands died fighting in these wars, thousands more witnessed these horrible acts and ever since they have had to …

Week 10: Power to the People

In the Chapter Power to the People, Dawson explores the role certain individuals have played in controlling the power of their countries. One of the figures he discusses the most is Eva Peron and the role she played in Argentina. While deeply hated by some, Evita was loved by many and we can see her unique ability …

Week 9:Commerce, Coercion, and America’s Empire

Reading this week’s material was very interesting and I think chapter 9 may be my favourite chapter so far!  I found it was the chapter that had the most obvious relevance to today’s world and  referenced issues I was more familiar with. For a while now I have been particularly interested in the United States’ foreign intervention …

Week 8: Signs of Crisis in a Gilded Age

I thought this week’s content was very interesting and in particular I enjoyed reading the Ruben Dario Poem to Roosevelt. As Dawson says, it resembles some ideas that can be found in Jose Marti’s “Our America” of Latin American excellence and I too would agree that Marti’s message is echoed in this piece. Personally, I …