Jose de San Martin -Kathy Moignard
This article summarizes Jose de San Martin’s role as one of the liberators of Argantina and Latin America. The article chronicles how San Martin was originally a brilliant young soldier in the spanish army but then returned to his nation of birth, Argentina, in 1812 to fight for the revolutionary government in Buenos Aires. From there the article goes on to explain how San Martin was able to create a plan of action to defeat spanish forces that threatened Chile and ultimately how he was able to invade Lima and liberate Peru. While in the end, we did not use Jose de San Martin as one of the important independance figures we wished to focus on (we wouldn’t have had time in the video), this research allowed me to further understand how San Martin became one of the most important heroes of Latin American independance. In addition to providing me with information on him specifically, this article touched on the strategies taken by his army in both succesful and unsuccesful battles, fascilitating me and my groups understanding of how battles at the time were conducted by the revolutionary movements.
Moignard, Kathy. “Jose De San Martin.” Calliope 3.5 (1993): 16. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 16 Nov. 2016.
From Colony to Nation -Rebecca Earle
This Article by Rebecca Earle from the University of Warwick, explores Spanish Colonialism in Latin America and the transition to independent nations following the Spanish-American wars of independance. The Article gave me a clear and detailed summary of the situation in Latin America prior to, during, and shortly after the wars of independance as well pertinent information regarding the causes and effects of these independance movements. For me and my group this document was extremely useful in providing a summary of the most important events, figures and consequences concerning our video project subject. It gave us a good general narrative of what happened and fascilitated our decisions on what to include and not include. Personally, I played the role of mediator in our video and feel as though having a good grasp on all the material at hand was crucial to any success I had in transitioning our video from topic to topic in s fluid manner. For me, this source was the most important in producing an escellent final product and would recommend it to any future student looking for information on the the independance wars.
Earle, Rebecca. “From Colony To Nation.” Latin American Research Review 43.2 (2008): 241. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 16 Nov. 2016