Daily Archives: December 28, 2016

First Year – Term 1 Course Memories (each in 10 words)

Math 102 – Differential Calculus with Applications to Life Sciences

Webwork, 10 tries, piazza, FREAKING OSH, Transit police are rich

Biology 112 – Biology of the Cell

Hydrophobic Effect, Glycolysis, Acetyl CoA synthesis, Citric Acid cycle, mitochondriaaaaa

Biology 121 – Genetics, Evolution and Ecology

Mutations, genetic drift, Hardy Weinberg, M&M demonstrations, tree planting, iClickers

Physics 101 – Energy and Waves

Buoyancy force, ν=ƒλ, related to chem, webassign, piazza, nodes, Po=1.013×10^5 Pa

Physics 101 – Lab (you can see that I did not enjoy physics labs)

Anxiety, nightmares, ERROR ANALYSIS, being confused together, questioning everything

Chemistry 121 – Structure and Bonding in Chemistry

Resonance structures, quantum mechanics???, orbitals???, antibonding??????, ν=ƒλ, related to physics

Chemistry 121 – Lab

Anxiety, titrations, 10 minutes quizzes, being confused together, questioning everything

Free Time

Frantically cramming, questioning my self worth, wait what free time?