Snapchat to introduce news and ads

Snapchat, the hugely popular messaging app famous for its vanishing photos, is introducing disappearing news “snaps” and advertisements in the next two months.

This new service, called “Snapchat Discovery“, will push videos, news articles, and ad content to its audience of an estimated 27 million users. People can simply hold down a finger on their screen to view daily publications, video content, or TV and movie clips.

The company is capitalizing on its huge ad revenue potential by attracting marketers who want to cut through the cluttered digital ad space to reach a younger, more tech-savvy audience. 50% of Snapchat’s users are between the ages of 13-17.

As a marketer, I think that this move by Snapchat is brilliant, and an essential next step to drive ad revenue. But as a Snapchat user, I am not looking forward to seeing advertisements dilute the organic content posted by my friends.

Earlier last year, Snapchat introduced “Snapchat Stories”, a way for users to send out multiple messages (hence “story”), and is available for your contacts to view for 24 hours. I’ve also noticed on my own feed that Snapchat has introduced “special’ Snapchat Stories, where events such as music festivals and sporting events are showcased.

Photo 2014-10-04, 3 41 07 PM

The above screenshot is from my own feed. For example, “College Football” is a series of snaps from people attending football games across the United States, although representatives say that this was not a marketing collaboration. It seems as if Snapchat is slowly easing its users into seeing paid promotions and longer snaps on their feed.

Snapchat Discovery is said to be rolling out this November, so I will be tracking this developing story as it unfolds.

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