Real-Time Marketing: Speed vs. Quality?

In E-Marketing, we learn so much about the importance of real-time marketing and staying relevant. Some of the best-executed ads of all time are the digital, real-time reactions to live events unfolding at that exact moment.

Let’s take the Super Bowl as an example. The average cost of a 30-second TV commercial for the 2013 Super Bowl was $4 million. But last year, the infamous Super Bowl Blackout occurred, within a few moments, Oreo put out one of its most clever tweets of all time:

This is a prime example of real-time digital marketing that was clever, timely, and engaging- it became one of the most talked-about ads of the night. It had both quality and speed. Best of all? It was free.

John St., an ad agency based in Toronto, just released a humorous new parody video about the ridiculously fast pace of marketing today, and how every brand feels the need to react to breaking news within minutes, and sometimes quality is compromised for speed.

In the video, the agency is pretending to be running a new unit called Reactvertising™, where it goes to crazy efforts to make sure clients are engaging and reacting to current events around the clock, in “hyper real-time”. It even goes so far as to helping clients “react to events that have not yet happened”.

Take a look at Reactvertising™ here:

Of course, while this video is satirical, it raises a good point for all digital marketers to consider: How can we stay timely and relevant without sacrificing quality? How do we pick and choose which events to react to? And how can we work with clients to ensure their brand is advertising in the right context?

Hats off to John St. for yet another satirical piece that hits the nail right on the head.

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