Hello blogging world welcome to my last post, for this post I will be discussing one panel from CAPCON. The panel the resonated with me the most was Panel A: Violence and the Environment. This panel include the work of two of our stream mates Clara Chang and Kihan Yoon-Henderson and the work of Sepideh Najarnia. I will be focusing on the work the Clara and Kihan about the negative effects of modernization on the environment. I wrote a paper a similar paper with a relating topic how ever I focused on air pollution and the changing composition of the atmosphere. I found what Clara send about cattle ranching to be quite interesting, I did not know so much land was being taken up to raise cattle. As well I was interested to hear the connection between economic wealth and the consumption of meat. I was unaware of this connection but looking at this correlation it makes sense the with more and more people making more money they now have access to finer things.  Clara spoke of the growing number of cow and the clear cutting of forest releasing large amounts of carbon and methane. In my research I found similar finding that the clear cutting of large amounts of forest are destroying our earths nature carbon sinks and releasing more carbon into the atmosphere. As well I thought Clara did a very strong job of presenting her ideas and conveying her paper. I though her use of visual graphs and pictures help a great deal in helping to understand her points. Similar I thought Kihan also did her very strong job presenting her ideas. I found her research on Indonesia particularly interesting. I had no idea, how much state control Indonesia had over the palm oil industry. As well that the government used force to take control of the land. As well the linguistics of the selling of land to insure the cooperation was so corrupt. However, the most impactful points Kihan brought life to I though was when she talk about how the EU’s plan to shift to Bio fuel while it will reduce emission there it will create more in Indonesia and lead to more clear cutting. Furthermore, she conveyed the idea that for a real change to happen it most be a universals global shift. I believe that she is right I expressed the same ideas in my paper. For real change to happen the entire world must make changes. As a final remark I argue with the overall tone of both paper suggesting that modernization has had a negative effect on the environment. My stance on that issue is that while modernization has lead to degradation of our environment that it has now lead to many new renewable energy companies working to reduce the effects of our past mistakes.