Assignment 1:1

Hi there!

My name is Julia Hofmann. I’m 22-years-old and I’m in 3rd year working on my BA in Psychology. I’m quite used to blogging (seasoned Tumblr user over here), but this is my first time taking an online course as well as using WordPress. I’m looking forward to this semester immensely!

I have a pretty big family. I am the eldest and I have 4 half-siblings, 2 biological parents, 2 step-parents, and a cat (who I unashamedly call my child).

10653605_10154613400905075_399664998927409853_n(The eldest of my four younger siblings and I.)

IMG_1338 (My cat, Nala, chilling atop her favourite spot in our home.)

When I’m not studying (a rarity), I enjoy grabbing drinks with friends, hiking and snowboarding, reading, and listening to music. David Bowie has been a huge influence in my music taste and I am absolutely devastated over his recent passing. While I honestly cannot choose a favourite song of his, I’ll link 3 favourites that come to mind: Soul Love, Young Americans, Life On Mars?. I also love travelling, but being on a student budget has limited me from exercising my wanderlust to about once every 3 years. So far I have traveled to London (England) twice, Puerto Vallarta (Mexico), and various provinces & states in Canada and the USA. This Summer I will be jetting off to Paris — I am extremely excited!!

I am an intersectional feminist which is one of the reasons why I enrolled in this course; I am looking forward to reading Canadian literature written in a non-eurocentric lense. I think if I call myself a feminist, I should really know more about the struggles and stories of Canadian Aboriginals. What better way to further that education than by enrolling in a Canadian literature course that covers those topics? While this course will not always be easy, I am looking forward to reading the creative voices of some Canadian Aboriginal writers. I truly believe conversations about issues such as the effects of european colonization and assimilation are important for the understanding of my own privilege, especially considering these issues are still prevalent in Canadian society.

I’ll admit that I definitely cringed at myself when identifying as a feminist because I was afraid of unspoken judgement. That being said, if you find yourself inwardly hissing at the word – I know I used to! – I would encourage you to read this link to read a little about intersectional feminism & why it isn’t so bad!

I’ll finish up by sharing one of my favourite short stories written by Sherman Alexie, titled What You Pawn I Will Redeem. I read it in another English literature course a couple years ago and it continues to influence me.

I’m looking forward to a great semester with all of you!

Until next time,



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