Razer – A Mischief of Mice

Exponential growth is the dream of many companies as they fight for domination of the marketplace. And no other company has demonstrated this concept as well as Razer, a gaming peripheral company. Much like a mother mouse, this ever growing gaming company has released 6 new gaming mice just this past year. Over the past 2 decades, Razer has released a more than 22 gaming mice, each of which have seen its rise to stardom, and its fall off production. But with such an expansive portfolio, how does one keep track of it all? As we have learned in class, a tool such as the Boston Consulting Group matrix will be perfect to analyze which mice are bound for stardom and which are left in the dog house.

Stars: DeathAdder (black edition), Mamba, Abyssus, Imperator

Question Marks: Orochi, DeathAdder (left hand), BoomSlag CE, Spectre, Tron, Naga Molten, Naga Epic, Lachesis V2

Cash Cows: Death Adder V2, Naga

Dogs: Lachesis V1, BoomSlag, Viper, Diamondback, Copperhead, Krait, Habu, DeathAdder V1, Salmosa

The relative high abundance in the dog category is largely caused by the changing sensor technology. The outdated mice are still favoured among a few hardcore fans, but for the masses, state of the art mice are most appealing. The few mice that have stood the test of time due to superior build quality and ergonomic design make up the cash cows. Next come the new age mice and re-releases of the classic mice which form the question marks, as they show great potential. Lastly, the ever popular flagship mice of the company are the stars with a ever growing fan base on top of its already loyal following. With all these iterations of mice, I wonder why Razer’s logo is a 3 headed snake and not a doe.

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