Galaxy Fluff

by kamilkhan

Samsung recently released it’s new Galaxy Note 3 + Gear. The monstrous “phablet” device boasts a 5.7″ screen, and come bundled with a 1.63″ touchscreen “smart watch”. What does this $329 accessory do? In a sentence: everything your phone can do and less.

After being put in the spot light for it’s massively successful Galaxy S3, Samsung is feeling compelled to show off it’s innovation in the tech industry. But what could have potentially been a foray into the extremely young market of wearable technology has proven to be nothing more than quick gimmicky money grab.

The Verge, a popular technology website, gave the Galaxy Gear a mere 4/10, calling it “unintuitive, oversized and overpriced.

The Galaxy Gear shows that Samsung is not an industry innovator: it is an industry refiner. I am certain that once the market matures, Samsung will release a more meaningful product. But for now, it’s just throwing things at the wall, and seeing what sticks.