Kamil Khan's Sauder Blog

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Category: Uncategorized

Kiip to Expand to the Internet of Things

Kiip Found and Sauder alumni Bryan Wong announced plans to expand Kiip to begin to advertise on SmartTV’s, Nest thermostats, and in connected cars. Kiip’s API’s can be applied to any internet connected device, including smart fridges or smart lighting. This application would allow users to be rewarded for saving a certain amount of electricity; “save […]

Comment on Janet Poon’s Post: “Vancouver’s Housing Solutions”

Vancouver’s Housing Solutions Kamil Khan commented: This is a very interesting idea… however, isn’t a high rise more effective in housing people on a small plot of land? While this certainly is an interesting idea for a home, perhaps it’d be more suited for more rural areas in developing nations as opposed to an alternative […]

Comment on Jasion Cion’s Post: “Legalization for Profit”

Legalization for Profit Kamil Khan Posted: You make a good point, and I agree that marijuana legalization will benefit BC through taxes. However, taxes aren’t the whole image. BC would save millions on policing, and new industries and business would boom, creating jobs and economic growth in the lower mainland. Although the health effects may […]

External Blog

Should Coding be the “New Foreign Language” Requirement? This is an interesting blog post, which touches on a point which, I as a BUCS student, find to be very important and relevant to my degree at UBC. In their blog post, Anna and Helen argue that in order to help incentivize students to pursuit computer […]

Start-Up Weekend Has Started Up at UBC

Start-Up weekend, a launch-a-start-up-in-54-hours event has begun at UBC yesterday evening. Being hosted by Entrepreneurship at UBC and featuring accomplished judges such as Mozilla Labs Director David Ascher, Venture Capitalist Ray Torresan, and CEO and Co-Founder of Battlefy Jason Xu, among others. This year’s startup weekend is said to be technology-focused, as is apparent with […]

It’s Official: The Console Wars Have Begun

The clock struck 12 on November 15th, marking the release the Sony’s PlayStation 4, and the start of the console wars. They say that the living room entertainment is the final home frontier for technology companies to dominate, and boy has the competition been aggressive. In the past few years we have seen the console […]

Is Rob Ford Ruining the Image of Canada’s Business Capital?

Rob Ford’s controversial refusal to step down as the Mayor of Toronto after allegations of use of crack has left local citizens frustrated. But what impact does Mayor Rob Ford’s negative press have on local businesses? Andrew Liang, director of Cormex’s MediaLAB project believes that the increased attention will decrease international investment in the city; “Why anybody […]

Is Tesla Losing It’s Momentum?

US electric auto make Tesla Motors’s stock dropped 30% in the past month after a disappointing financial quarter and headlines about their cars catching fire. Tesla lost $38 million on $431 million in revenue this past quarter despite a record-breaking 5500 car deliveries and an increase in profit margins for 14% to 21%. Many investors believed […]

Galaxy Fluff

Samsung recently released it’s new Galaxy Note 3 + Gear. The monstrous “phablet” device boasts a 5.7″ screen, and come bundled with a 1.63″ touchscreen “smart watch”. What does this $329 accessory do? In a sentence: everything your phone can do and less. After being put in the spot light for it’s massively successful Galaxy […]

Pirate Joe’s is here to stay

Michael Hallatt is a Canadian entrepreneur and owner of Pirate Joe’s, a Vancouver store which sells nothing but  Trader Joe’s merchandise. Every week, Hallat must make the trip to Washington to purchase groceries from Trader Joe’s, and return to resell them at his store. This year at Sauder FROSH, I’ve had the opportunity to get to […]

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