Kiip to Expand to the Internet of Things

by kamilkhan

Kiip Found and Sauder alumni Bryan Wong announced plans to expand Kiip to begin to advertise on SmartTV’s, Nest thermostats, and in connected cars. Kiip’s API’s can be applied to any internet connected device, including smart fridges or smart lighting. This application would allow users to be rewarded for saving a certain amount of electricity; “save enough energy consumption and PG&E could reward you with cinema tickets.

Wong said that this move should serve as a hint as to where Kiip is headed. “Kiip was never just designed for mobile advertising.

As a Sauder student and aspiring entrepreneur, it is interesting to see Bryan’s company mature and expand. Knowing that he went to my school just a few years ago somehow makes Kiip and his vision feel more real, and as a result, more inspiring. With the growing amount of internet connected devices and the increasing demand for new methods of advertisement, I believe that Wong is taking Kiip in the right direction. I can’t wait to see what happens next.