What I’ve Been Up To…

Hello all you lovely people! It’s been a long time since I last posted, and I’ve finally felt guilty enough to start writing another one. For lack of a good subject to write about, I now present this conglomeration of random things that are going on in my life…

  • Reading Week: Hooray, UBC FINALLY gives us a week-long break. I don’t know much about the Canadian school system but it’s been awfully painful seeing all my friends in the US enjoy their lengthy fall and winter breaks. Last week, I went back home to Chicago and had a great time with my family. I didn’t do a single bit of schoolwork. It was delightful.
  • Homelessness: A while back, the results of the 2014-2015 Residence Allocation Process were released. Basically, everyone who signed up for housing next term were placed in a giant random lottery. When I first saw that I was number 2648 on the WAITLIST, my eyes bugged out of my head because I did NOT see that coming. And now I’m on the hunt for apartments off campus next year. This giant cloud of housing uncertainty is stressing me out, big time.
  • Instrumental Playlists: HOW IS IT THAT I JUST NOW DISCOVERED THIS???? If you ever need a solid study/concentration mix, I IMPLORE you to listen to this: http://8tracks.com/libbyschiller/concentration
  • Vegan-ism: A few weeks ago, I decided to start transitioning to a dairy- and meat-free diet. I had started noticing that all the cookies, muffins, cheesy stuff, etc that I was putting into my body was probably affecting my physical and mental performance. Obviously, as I am on a meal plan and have no access to a kitchen, it’s been hard for me to find a lot of vegan variety in the cafeteria and campus eateries, and by no means am I a STRICT vegan, but cutting dairy and meat has “forced me” to adopt a diet that is more natural, clean, and vegetable-packed. As a result, my body feels a lot more energized and alert.
  • Interviews: I signed up for a few peer programs next year, such as orientation leader and Science Peer Academic Coaching. I didn’t really know what the application process would entail, and I was definitely surprised to find out that all of them required an interview. I mean, it makes sense, but I am THE WORST at interviews. My brain refuses to come up with cohesive thoughts on the whim, and I always think of the perfect answers to questions AFTER the interview is over. Hahaha. So I have little to no expectations about getting the positions but at least I get more experience with interviews!

So those are a few things that are going on in my life right now. I’m actually in the Denver airport right now, since I have a connecting flight from Chicago to Vancouver. Isn’t it the worst when you have like 4 hours between 2 flights? My first flight was at 6 am, and I got to the airport at 5 thinking that security would go by quickly but for some reason there was ONE line for EVERYONE and once I got past security it was 5:45. I was literally the last person to get on the plane. It was super embarrassing because the plane was packed and I could feel everyone’s eyes staring into my soul but when I got to my seat, to my delight THE ENTIRE CLUSTER OF SEATS WAS EMPTY!!! Oh my, all that leg room was heavenly. Anyways, I am SUPER sleep deprived and rambling so I’m going to end this post now!

Chicago Sunrise and Airport Adventures


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