My Brain is Delicate…


Because there are so. many. squirrels. around campus.  Literally, I overheard some guy say he was going to squirrel hunt this weekend. I was like wow. you are so cool. how do I become you?

And he was like. you can’t. I am you.\

/ and then I got a thousand and three re-blogs on tumblr. Except for PETA.

and everyone was like wow derrick, you are deeper than the deepest depths in the sea. and then we wrote various forms of haiku together, and ate baked quinoa bars that my vegan friend made. It was an average Thursday. #tbt

No, but seriously, guys, I have a point… and the whole guy wanting to go squirrel hunting did happen.


ANYWAY. My point is I basically had the best lecture of my university career today. It was so good, I’m beginning to think that I will actually have a “university career,” and not drop out and become a B-List porn star who works from home.

I seriously thought I hated the class (GRSJ101), but today something just clicked, and I removed my taupe-coloured ignorance glasses and saw the world in a new light today.

I would try to explain it, but my summary powers weaken after a certain hour (8:43PM) and I tend to ramble.

Our generation has a giant battle ahead of fighting the ideals, and heteronormativity presented, though.

I would take more time to explain all these concepts, but like, you have google, and you can figure this out. (and my definition powers are shot..)

And it’s much more interesting if I conclude saying that I finally felt that feeling that people talk about where you come out of a class completely numb, with a new perspective, because you felt like everything you knew going in was a lie.

This feeling is different for everyone, though. Like, I felt really nauseous for about 30mins after. and my head hurt.

but in a good way.

and that’s why i’m at university, I guess.



(and may all your prayers go towards the squirrels, because they might get shot, and die this weekend…)


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