the last week.

Hello. My deepest apologies for being so absent. Sometimes the only time I get to write personally is like 1 a.m. Anyway, it’s the last week of classes / the week before exams. It’s not exactly the most positive time of year, and today the only thing that got me out of bed was coffee. This goes out to anyone who’s feeling overwhelmed, under appreciated, stressed, sad, or all of the above:


I Know

I know there are days when you will walk through the sand and only come home with rocks in your shoes, and your feet will be blistered and they will bleed like you just removed the deepest knife from your spine.

I know people will have expectations of you, but I need you to know that it is okay to just be the drop of water in a bucket.  It is okay to disappear and to be forgotten.

I know there are days where you don’t want to get out of bed, and it’s not because of a nosebleed, or a headache, it is because you simply can’t take the world sometimes.

I know that walking away from people who don’t care about you is the hardest thing you’ll ever have to do.

I know that there are dark places in this world, and there are people that will make you feel like a mistake.

I know that sometimes that B- on your paper makes you feel like a B-.

I know that sometimes the most heartfelt apologies come out as a bitter “fuck you.”

I know that what you meant to say is “I love you.”

I know that sometimes you end up tripping over the leaves that were supposed to bring colour to your life and you start to question almost everything.

but I know

I know that if you run for long enough in the dark you will get to a bonfire of people that will light you up, and make you feel like you have something to offer the world.  I promise that if you run for long enough that fire can live inside of your heart. No matter how many bubble sheets you have to fill-in to prove to the world that you deserve to be here.

I know that you can do this.

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