Social Networking is essential for success


At first glance, it may seem like a useless tool. Some view Facebook and Twitter as silly sites that allow people to share pointless social information. However, I believe that social networking has moved beyond a fad, and has in fact become an essentiel part of modern business.

When Twitter was first introduced, many people didn’t understand its significance. Why care what any given person is doing at any given time? Well the truth is, businesses should. Not only do social networking sites allow businesses to promote themselves, share information, and connect with consumers, but they also allow businesses to access public information regarding consumer preferences, etc. When someone updates their Facebook status, they’re not just sharing that information with their friends; they’re providing useful marketing information. Ever noticed those ads on the right hand side of your Facebook window? Funny how they always seem to know exactly what you’re interested in.

Facebook Advertising

Companies need to recognize that social networks are not just a fad that people will grow tired of. They are a means of communication that have altered the way people interact and share information, and that ignoring their significance in the modern world would be detrimental to any organization’s success.

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