Image: Drop Everything You’re Doing and Join Your University’s Model UN Team
Even if the organization was fully funded, the incorporation of the ARC initiative can lead to the collaboration with various resources in order to attain valuable tools and gain a better overall perspective. Furthermore, the ARC is focussed on aiding community well-being and fostering dynamic relationships. Therefore, there is still an extensive amount of additional improvements and alternative approaches towards the United Nations forefront. In association with social enterprise, I believe that the UN can continue to excel in their projects and movements by utilizing this business concept. Social entrepreneurs strive to make significant improvements for the well-being of society and are responsible in creating missionary approaches to create societal value. I believe that this results in the idea that there are always different methods that can be conducted to ensure that an action is more viable and sustainable. By focussing on these processes, their efforts can result in an increase of accountability and strengthen the UN’s integrity. Additionally, by involving the ARC initiative or social enterprise, this can also give an opportunity for other organizations and young individuals to become involved with the movement. These programs can help to create more of a community-based learning setting and thus bring a greater number of people together to acquire valuable skills and reach a common goal.