November 2014

A Better World with the Help of Social Enterprises

If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?”

                            United Nations’ Logo                                            IMF Logo

The United Nations was created in 1945 to promote international co-operation and to prevent another world war happening. The United Nations provide funds and services to the less fortunate countries as a way to improve social and economical issues. However these funds and services provided do not make a lasting impact; they only solve the surface problem. If we were to use that funding to create alternatives to International Monetary Funds (IMF), because IMF loans are often tools used by developed nations to manipulate failing states to achieve their own objectives, then perhaps we can make progress.

hands framing the earth

In the meantime social enterprises are there to teach the less fortunate people how to make a living, and to help them gain autonomy.  Social enterprise helps solve the problem from the root by teaching them practical business tools to build a sustainable business. In my opinion social enterprise, devoid of political guidance from nation states or international organizations funded by states, could help correct the damage done by decades of corrupt and systematic destruction of developing economies through neoliberal management. Without doubt, the social enterprises are the channels United Nation uses to help bring consistent growth in global communities.



Women’s Equality Sparked from The Great War



Policewoman during World War I.

As the 100th anniversary of the Great War nears, it brought out a reflection of the many sacrifices.  Although the war killed millions, it catalyzed social, economical, and technological changes.

Before the war, women were mostly homemakers. But during the war, many of the jobs once dominated by men were replaced by women as the men headed overseas to fight. Women became clerks, polices, doctors, postmen, factory workers and many more. For the very first time, women took on front line roles. of-to-work-we-go1

As opined by Kate Adie, women gained more equality and self-ownership as a result of the war. It benefited women more than what they had gainedthrough attaining suffrage right. Women were affordedeconomic opportunities by taking rolesprimarily reserved for men. This change promoted gender equality and led to the important role of women in the workforce today.


Gender equality in the workplace.

Nowadays, it would be unethical for a company to base their recruitment policy on the gender of the applicants.Just like men, women deserve equal opportunities. An economy will not function properly with one gender contributing solely. A prospering economy needs both genders to stimulate competition and to promote growth.


