Walmart Accepted Clothing from Banned Bangladesh Factories

by khrychev

Some factories in Bangladesh were banned due to unethical behaviour towards their workers. Due to this reason, Walmart stated that they are not working with the factories that were banned (Mars Apparels and Simco Dresses). However, over the last years Walmart has received tons of sport bras from Mars Apparels, according to U.S. customs records and Mars owners. Moreover, Walmart continues working with Simco Dresses in the two months after they blacklisted the company.

It is unethical to work with such companies and Walmart understands this, however, it is still much cheaper to work with such companies than with another. Such unethical companies do not only use violation in their work process but also pay less and therefore, they sell their products for lower price. There is always choice between being more ethical and making more profits, the decision is always made by the company by itself. Walmart has chosen profits.

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