1:5 Telling a Story

Every time I told my story it changed a little–not the impetus of the story, but details. If I continued to tell the story over and over I am sure I would embellish in different spots and edit in others. I was trying to convey that fear is what brought evil into the world, and this occurred between husband and wife and spread throughout the world. It is like a fairy tale as it revolves around marriage, as many fairy tales do. Anyone who has been in a relationship can relate to how fear (disguised as insecurity, jealousy, criticism, etc) often deteriorates the foundation of a relationship and can lead to destruction. I wanted to convey evil happening in a most simple way. A relationship destroying the purity of the world seems so simple, yet in it’s simplicity seems profoundly plausible. In the Christian story Lucifer brought evil into the world by his pride. I wanted to try and convey that fear is even deeper, and arguably the root of all evil. I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes which happens to be from Star Wars.

2 thoughts on “1:5 Telling a Story

  1. MarissaBirnie

    When I was writing my own story, that quote was exactly what I thought of! So I tried to show how hatred can be a result of fear, a very human and natural emotion.

    Here’s a link (http://realitysandwich.com/220631/wrong-yoda-was-the-force-of-fear/) where another Star Wars nerd goes into depth about how he feels about that quote and why we should embrace conscious/controlled fear. If you view fear as a vulnerability then it can lead to deterioration and destruction, like you said. But maybe it can also be a good thing. I really enjoyed your story and I found myself with the same observations as you, that my story changed as I told it. I also felt that the people listening to my story had a greater capability to interpret and change the story, more so than they would be able to with a written story. Did you find this as well?

    1. KimberlyBellwood Post author

      Hi Marissa! Did I reply to your comment? I get confused going back and forth from blog to facebook, and I am taking another online course 😛 I went to the website you provided…very philosophical! 🙂 Amazing…I think I’m all deep thinking, then I read something else and I am asked to think even deeper. This is the joy of taking classes. Learning is quite a gift. I thought of Buddhism when I was reading the Jedi mind set. In response to your question: yes, I think that seems right…the listener could change it and adapt it according to their memory…of course if was faithfully told over and over, it might stay more in tact. I never thought of that…and I appreciate your expanding my thoughts. Kim


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