True Lover…

A moving and powerful book, “The Lover” explores the intricate issues of colonialism, love, desire, and social expectations. The story, which takes place in 1920s French colonial Vietnam, centers on an extramarital relationship between a wealthy Chinese man known only as “the Chinaman” and a young French girl known as “the girl.” It was a pleasure to read. I was engrossed in “The Lover” by Duras’s writing the entire time. Her depictions of the setting, which included Saigon, to each nuanced and multifaceted character. Since this book is different from anything I have ever read, I initially thought it was a little insane, and also I felt discomfort by their extreme age difference…felt pedo-ish.

As the girl meets the Chinaman, a powerful and fascinating man who radiates power and charm, her life dramatically changes. A passionate affair follows as the girl is drawn to the Chinaman, despite their differences in age, ethnicity, and social status. Their union would never be accepted by the girl’s family or society, therefore their relationship is marked by secrecy and taboo. The Chinese man’s father and the little girl’s family believed that the girl was with him solely for financial gain, but the guy soon became enamored with her and fell in love with her. 

Poverty plays a major role in this story. The girl’s views, desires, and behaviors are influenced by the universal force of poverty. It highlights the glaring differences in status and riches and acts as a continual reminder of her underprivileged life within colonial Indochinese culture. Her lackluster upbringing leaves her with a strong desire to escape and live outside of her current circumstances. Her unlawful relationship with the wealthy Chinaman provides a brief window into a world where social constraints no longer determine her sense of fulfillment and self-worth. This yearning for emancipation is what propels her to seek comfort and connection in this relationship. 

“Poverty didn’t lessen her dignity” struck me as a really powerful quote. It shows how strong and resilient her mother was in the face of financial difficulties. The mother does not allow poverty to erode her sense of self-respect or define her worth; instead, she chooses to live with pride and dignity despite their dire circumstances. This statement emphasizes her inner fortitude and will to endure hardships, demonstrating a dignity that surpasses worldly possessions. It implies that a person’s character, resiliency, and inner convictions are what truly define their dignity rather than their outward belongings or social standing.


Question for the Class:

How do the book’s characters handle the difficulties and limits brought on by poverty?


3 thoughts on “True Lover…

  1. Tes

    KP, I am glad you liked the book despite the discomfort. Duras is most definitely a phenomenal writer with a skill to transport us to the scenery with her descriptive language. I found it interesting that you read her as a character that whose upbringing “leaves her with a strong desire to escape and life outside of her current cirumstnaces.” Although I very much agree with your statement it made me question how much of the relationship had the agency that the girl made so apparent. If her circumstances had been different would she had chosen to participate in this affair? Very interesting

    Thanks for your comment!
    – Tesi

  2. Nadia Ulanowska

    Hi KP!

    I think this novel plays a lot with poverty and the dynamic it creates in our relationships and interactions with others. Although the girl may be attracted to the older man, she is also attracted to his riches and stays with him because of what he has to offer in a material sense. He offers a sense of security that she doesn’t have as a person living in poverty and this allows them both to take advantage of each other for personal benefits.

  3. granu


    You really captured my thoughts about the book. The girl being impoverished in turn leads her to the older man, whether consciously or not. Although the relationship the two share is so complicated that I’m still unsure what to think, haha



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