it's better to say too much

Category — Academics

024. The post in which I talk about courses

In true Krystal fashion, I’ve waited until the last possible minute to blog about my first, fabulous term at UBC.  There are a few things that I wish I did differently, academically, but either way, I ended my first term of university pretty content. Here’s the lowdown:

ARTS ONE: It’s not over, no, but I’m halfway there! If there was one thing I wish I did differently, it was taking Arts One. Not because the program itself has any problems, but because it took up 6 other courses I could have done. I love writing, and I love reading. I like philosophy and literature and history, but I signed up for Arts One not knowing what I wanted to do. I have a better idea now. I don’t regret taking it, because when I survive it in April, it will have changed my university experience. Who knows what my term could have been like? And I have made the most awesome friends ever in my seminar. So really, no regrets.

My professor is amazing, really. I like going to her seminars and she’s really intelligent. Her grading baffles me sometimes, but I’m determined to not let it rattle me. Some of the books are classics, some I’ve read before, others I haven’t. But the lectures are almost entirely pointless, and the profs can be a little dry.  There’s almost no point in going to them, but I do, because, well…I’m me and I can’t not go to class.

I don’t have a final result for this program, but of what has been marked so far, I’m doing pretty well.

PSYCHOLOGY 100: My second favourite course. My professor is still rad, and the content is still interesting. My grades have been pretty decent, some blips that I am disappointed about, but it’s a full year course so I’m not too worried. One thing is true about students who take even one psychology course: you start to notice and apply all the information you’re learning. It’s pretty cool. Other than that, I don’t really know what else to say about this, so, moving on.

WOMEN’S STUDIES 101: THE BEST COURSE EVER. Although, I’m sure there will be more. This course blew my mind. Continually. Every book we read, every lecture, and discussion opened my eyes and my mind to completely new concepts. I see the world differently now and the people I interact with. I don’t know if everyone took away the same message or perspective, but this course is what I was expecting from university. I wrote my first 10 page term paper in this class, and I kicked butt. I worked the hardest in this class. My final grade was awesome too, so that’s a bonus.

And that my friends, is my first term course overview and I hope I provided some sort of perspective or something.  Continue having an amazing break, and I’ll try to get one or two more posts in before the New Year. Peace!

December 27, 2010   1 Comment

023. My life in five

How has my exam break been? Between studying, eating, sleeping and more studying, here’s what I’ve been up to:

ONE: I started training at my job at the bookstore. I swipe your credit cards and scan your books/mugs/UBC clothing/pens. It’s fun. My last shift before Christmas break is Monday and I do like fun conversations when things are slow, so come on by.

Hi, I’m new.

TWO: I wrote my first university exam: Psychology 100. I studied my butt off, and I think it went well. We’ll see when marks are posted, but I definitely passed. To everyone who has already written one, I hope they went well. Or if you have yet to write one, or still have more to go, the best of luck. I’m sending good vibes to you all. Christmas break is just around the corner. I, myself have one more exam to do on Tuesday, and then I’m heading to the airport to go back to Ontario (eigdyafdyfaid!! so excited!).

THREE: I registered for Student Leadership Conference and I’m super stoked. If you have a chance to go this year, please do. It looks like it is going to be amazing! The keynote speakers are awesome (hello! The Buried Life?!), there are over 80 workshops/activities to do, so you’re bound to find something that tickles your fancy, and it should overall just be an awesome day of leadership building. It’s on January 8th and if you want to register, visit the website here.

FOUR: I volunteered at a homeless shelter yesterday with the Vancouver MOB. It was fun to give back, especially around the holidays when a lot of people are caught up in the hype of shopping and wants and lists. I helped stuff bags filled with goodies that some very awesome people will receive.

FIVE: I also went on the Christmas train and to The Naam again last night. Both were just as amazing as the first time. It was raining (of course, what’s new?) but I still felt an abundance of Christmas cheer. The train is still on until sometime in the beginning of January. If you’re around in Vancity for the holidays, I would totally check it out. It’s only a few dollars and it’ll make you feel like a kid again.

Well, I guess it’s time for me to study…or go to Chapters with Nicole…yeah. Ciao!

December 12, 2010   1 Comment

022. Study break 101

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December 5, 2010   No Comments

011. Welcome to the Procrastination Station

There has to be some cure to procrastination. Honestly, I keep putting things off and it’s so bad. It’s not that what I have to do is hard, but everything else (youtube, tumblr, facebook, bbm etc) is so much more interesting! How do people concentrate in university? If you know how, please pass your amazing knowledge on. I would really appreciate it. That way I could accomplish things and then have fun lurking browsing around the internet. This is my official SOS to the world. Come rescue me!

September 28, 2010   1 Comment

010. Classes and other cool academic stuff!

Time flies by when you’re having fun! Another week at school has come and gone, and I’m officially into the swing of things school-wise. Classes are going great (for now) and I’m actually slightly managing my time. I figured like many bloggers before me, I’d do  a run down of my impressions of my first term classes. Arts One is going pretty good. I just got back my first graded paper. Not bad for a first attempt, but of course, there is always room for improvement. My professor is amazing, the theme I chose is interesting and all the kids in my seminar seem super intelligent/cool. My Women’s Studies course is blowing my mind. Seriously. The topics we discuss and the things that I learn makes me think about everything around me so much. Everything from Aboriginal peoples and sexual violence, to first and second wave feminism; the stuff in this course is really heavy. Finally, my intro Psychology course is so interesting. I’m really glad I decided to choose my classes based on the professors and not the times because I ended up with a super cool prof. She’s hilarious and actually engages everyone in what we’re learning. I have my first midterm on Wednesday (wish me luck!), so we’ll see how it goes and if I’m cut out for this university thing.

Otherwise, things are going pretty swell. I’ve been getting involved as much as possible in rez and on/off campus. I love being involved, not only for the community feel that I get out of it, and the people I get to meet, but I also feel like I’m really contributing to something. I would definitely say that getting involved is the way to go. My high school experience was 10x better because of it, and I’m sure university will be 100x better (because as we know, everything that happens in university is 10x what happens in high school).

Things are pretty hectic still, and I’m yet to find an actual routine, but when I do the blog posts will definitely be coming a lot quicker than they have been. There are so many things that I could/should blog about, but life seems to be getting in the way. Anyway, I should get back to my piles and piles of reading (seriously, there is so much!) but I shall be back. Stay cool and make good choices y’all. Until next time…

September 26, 2010   3 Comments