May 8 – May 12
- MON: Writing Book
- (W7) Writing Book Lesson
- Reflection & Ways to Improve:
- This week I had students answer a question to help jog their memories of the weekend, this was helpful to engage students since it was related to the topic of what they did on the weekend
- I had students think for 10 seconds after answering the question about something they did on the weekend, instead of asking for ideas I had them share with a friend beside them
- To help with some words I ask students what are some words they would like to have on the board for them to copy (these were biking, swimming, Toys ‘R’ Us, and lemonade stand) this was helpful for those students and one who often struggles with the writing section copied all of the words on the board
- Math: Measurement – Introduction to Mass
- (W7) Comparing Weight
- Reflection & Ways to Improve:
- One student told me he just looked at the items rather than lifting both to feel which was heavier; since this was the introductory lesson I made sure all the weight differences were obvious when being held, maybe next time I should make a ‘challenge question’ with items that weigh different than they appear
- Labelling the books as small book and big book would have been easier for students to understand, or I could have taped the labels to the books rather than leave them loose on the table
- Nature School
- This was my second time leading nature school and I am truly enjoying it. This day students were particularly focused on finding bugs. This subject will be looked into deeper during inquiry periods during the week.
- TUE: Author Study – My Favorite Character
- (6) language arts unit plan Lesson 6 author study
- (W7) 6th Author Study Lesson Print Outs
- Author Study Fav Character PP
- Reflection & Ways to Improve:
- I was very impressed with the students ideas and ability to sit for longer than usual to make this chart with character attributes
- Doing a picture walk of the books helped to remind students about the characters
- Most words were from the students but I incorporated some into the chart as well (for example we talked about what the word determined means)
- Students completed the exercise by referencing the chart we completed before
- On the worksheet on the place where students wrote the reason why they chose the character as their favorite I just wrote ‘because’ I should have either added more words or reminded students they would need more than just the words from the chart on their paper (I had a lot of ‘My favorite character is NAME because funny’)
- Book of Letters: Xx
- Reflection & Ways to Improve
- See Week 7’s Reflection for my notes on this lesson
- Reflection & Ways to Improve
- WED: Improvised Music Lesson
- See Week 7’s Reflection for notes on this activity
- Inquiry: Insects
- I read the book Bugs are Insects by Anne Rockwell and gave the students a piece of paper to draw an insect they would like to learn more about
- Reflection & Ways to Improve:
- I could have had them write the name of the insect on the paper rather than me doing it as they handed them in
- Having multiples books out about insects for them to look at after was good because it kept them interested and let them take control of their learning – for example some books were on a specific insect where others had a broad mix of insects and a few were insect search books (a Where’s Waldo style)
- Physical and Health Education
- Reflection & Ways to Improve:
- Gymnastics was left on one side of the gym while on the other we set up a different game.
- There were three hula hoops of different colors and 30 bean bags, 10 of each corresponding colors, and students were split into three teams. Each team had to run and grab one bean bag at a time that matched their teams color and then their next teammate would go. I found this game much more effective than having them play soccer. They were still working as a team but it required more effort of them since they had a clear goal.
- Next week I hope to take them outside!
- Reflection & Ways to Improve:
- THUR: Story Workshop
- Students were given the option to record their story in a book format some did and some did not.
- This session had to be cut short because we needed to go to the library before recess to accomodate going to gymnastics later in the day
- Finishing Mother’s Day Cards
- These cards were started while I was doing the cooking sessions, thus it was my SA who led this lesson. Since the part that needed to be finished was the writing I assisted students who often struggle with writing
- Two students were being particularly pessimestic about their abilities but after a while of coaxing and with the help of another student they both completed their cards. I made sure to emphasize to these students that I was happy with their work and that I knew they could do it and that their mom would be so proud once they received their card
- Gymnastics Field Trip
- This trip actually took place during my prep time but I wanted to see the kids at gymnastics. They had so much fun! The only complaints I got were from students who had been there before, but for like birthdays or free play, who didn’t like that they were being taught things while there instead of being able to freely do as they pleased.
- FRI: Big Carpet Writing Book Friendship Lesson
- Big Carpet means that all three of the kindergarten classes are together in one spot while a lesson is given. This was very common before we (teacher candidates (TC)) came to teaching more often, thus we thought it would be nice to start doing them again. This also gives each of us the experience of managing 66 students over the regular 22.
- This lesson consisted of another TC reading the book How to Grow a Friend by Sara Gillingham, myself doing the brainstorming with students about what we can do to be a good friend, and another TC reviewing the instructions for writing books. We plan to do at least 2 more of these lessons to rotate the three roles of the lesson.
- It was very nice to see all the students together and they seemed happy to be altogether. During my brainstorming part I was happy to get different ideas from students from other classrooms. It also made me realize that I need to work a bit harder to learn the rest of the students names from the different classrooms.
- One of my favorite ways a student wrote was that when a ball is coming you can stop the ball from hitting your friend.
- Math: Measurement – Mass Stations
- Nature School
- Where do insects go when it rains Nature School PP
- I was excited to have a student show me a bug that they found behind a leaf. This was part of the presentation about where insects go when it is raining, that they sometimes hide under leaves.
Week Seven Reflection