Week 9

May 22 – May 26

  1. MON: 
  2. ‘ug’ Word Family
    • A Bed for a Bug, UG Word Family Poem
    • Ug Family Worksheets
    • We read the poem, students repeating the words after me, and brainstormed as many ug words as we could, next students were given a paper with ‘ug’ in the middle of a cloud and they had to write at least four ug words and draw a picture to match. Since we had said the ‘u’ and ‘g’ and ‘ug’ sounds several times I told the students I wasn’t going to draw the pictures for them and modeled how they could figure out what the words were
    • After they wrote their words I gave them a ‘challenge sheet’ a sizable portion of students in my class are all about not getting tricked when we play games (like simon says) so I gave them the ‘ug’ word search and told them to be very careful because I put some in there to try to trick them. Many were very proud once they handed their papers in and I told them that they had found all of the words.
  3. TUES:
  4. WED: Ladybug Habitat:
    • I had created just the tree prior to asking the students to brainstorm where ladybugs live. This is what we came up with as a class:
    • For the next step I had prepped a bunch of paper and told the students that I needed their help to complete the ladybug habitat. All of the grass, flowers, bush branches, and the majority of the leaves (I didn’t quite have enough from the students) were created by the class and I spent the evening creating the display. I told them there would be a surprise for them in the morning; the surprise was placing the ladybugs they had created previously into the habitat. The following morning their faces and joyous reactions truly made the 2 hours of construction worth it.
    • Students were so excited to locate their ladybugs!

    • Reflection & Ways to Improve:
      • Next time I would remind students to make bigger leaves, I was constantly telling them to make more leaves but I still didn’t have enough and many were too small to tape to the tree or bush. Maybe a container that students have to fill with leaves will work better next time.
  5. Ladybugs: What do they eat?
    • What do ladybugs eat
    • I created a powerpoint to help introduce the subject to students. The video at the end shows a ladybug eating a few aphids which really brought the subject alive for them.
    • Reflections & Ways to Improve:
      • having the last slide which summed up the information and provided students with the words really helped them to complete the activity, since it is K many get anxious when asked to write in conjunction with learning something new
      • having ladybug bodies for them to create their picture on was fun and kept the work interesting since they were drawing the food inside a ladybug body () I put a line at the top for their name and two lines at the bottom so they could write ‘Ladybugs eat …” with the name of the food they drew on the paper.
      • Some students opted to draw the whiteflies simply because they wouldn’t have to color them whereas students with higher abilities chose to write and draw all three.
  6. Physical and Health Education: It was a lovely day so we went outside!
    • I was definitely a little nervous about taking the students outside, from a management point of few there is a lot more freedom outside and my voice naturally doesn’t project as far outside.
    • We practiced doing relays as the students will participate in them at the upcoming sports day.
    • Reflection & Ways to Improve:
      • I had so much fun doing the very simple act of running to a cone and back to your starting point. I began with a few exercises that I observed their regular gym teacher do with a different kindergarten class. These included just running, balancing bean bags on their head, moving with the bean bags under their arms, and hopping with a hula hoop.
      • Once I had made my way through her examples I was a little worried about what to do next. I was thinking the entire period prior to my class going to gym and while they were doing the predetermined ones. I ended up having a really fun time.
      • First,  I had them move as quickly as they could with their legs as wide as possible. They laughed at me a little bit while demonstrating what to do and it looked hilarious to see them running like that as well. Myself, their regular teacher, and the students were all smiling during this relay.
      • We had time for one more, I had the students pretend they were a lion. This was interesting as students were on their hands and knees, hands and toes, and some ran on their feet while making lion sounds.
      • A management issue that did occur was students were picking up and throwing the small rocks on the basketball court area we were, a few reminders about being independent during outside gym class helped reduce most of the issues
  7. THURS:
  8. Celebration of Learning:
    • I set up four stations for the students to share with their parents:
    • (1) Nicholas Oldland Author Study

      (2) Ladybug Habitat, Life Cycle, and What They Eat

      (3) Book Boxes: Writing Books & Story Workshop

      (4) Can You Measure Your Family?

  9. FRI: