JPMorgan reaches $4.5 billion settlement with mortgage investors


jp morgan settlement

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The payment of $4.5 billion in settlements to institutional investors who suffered losses on mortgage securities is a painful blow to JP Morgan Chase &Co. This amount is probably a manageable one for the investment bank considering the amount of profits they make annually, however, this no doubt will affect their operations as they tighten budgets and limit hires to make up for the lost. Although the amount pay out could be potentially higher, I still perceive it to be too much. In the financial crisis of 2008, JP Morgan made a rather important move that helped saved the American economy when it took over Bear sterns and it’s troubled assets. If the investment bank had not help buy out the toxic assets then, the American government or effectively the American people would have been the ones bearing the cost. JP Morgan is certainly not given enough credit for taking on such a huge risk for the country.

I do not discount the fact that investment banks are in some ways guilty for the financial crisis and the hefty fine does serve as a reminder to other banks to not temper with greed. The purpose of investment banks is to help, people, government and corporations raise capital, these are the founding principals of investment banks and they have an obligation to maintain the financial stability of a country. Investment banks were created with the intent to protect the interest of people, not abuse it and If they deter from this primary responsibility, they risk putting the country of perhaps the world in jeopardy just like in 2008.

References/Interesting reads:


When a fine is a crime:

Sharing the fine!:



Dragons’ Den to feature Hope Blooms entrepreneurs

 In Focus: Social Entrepreneurs 

The teens were making 200 bottle per year. Now the business has grown to making 200 per week.

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The inspiring story of young social entrepreneurs brought the dragons at CBCs Dragon’s Den to tears as they described how they converted wasteland into a farm to produce organic salad dressing:

“We’re social entrepreneurs. With a small portion of our profits, we use [that] to buy seeds and our tools and teach community members … how to grow,” said one of the young entrepreneurs.”

Their story humbled me as they showed me that regardless of age and financial status, there are always ways out there to contribute to society and still earn some money for yourself. If kids at this age are already feeling the urge to go out there and do something for the environment and society, it is rather shameful that many adults, who are the role models of children, are not making efforts to give back to society.

A report by the huffington post shows that Canada trails many “other countries in taking full advantage of this burgeoning, win-win movement that merges smart business sense and the pursuit of a better world”. This is good news and I think we’re really just scratching the surface of social enterprise. There is so much potential in this field and it is certainly becoming a trend for many businesses to move in this direction. I do hope businesses out there see the merits of giving back to society as life is really more than just making money and spending it.


The article:

Report from huffington post:

Hope Bloom Video:

Fairfax has no comment on BlackBerry deal as deadline looms

In Focus: Finance

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Just weeks ago FairFax Financial announced its intent of a $4.7 billion buyout of Blackberry. There are now doubts of whether this transaction will go through as they recently reported a net loss of $571.7 million. Buying over Blackberry is a high risk, high return strategy for any potential buyers as the smartphone industry is extremely competitive and capital intensive with the amount of R&D required to compete with other smartphone giants such as Apple and Samsung. Considering the current financial situation FairFax is at, they are probably not the best investors to help Blackberry get back on track. However, if they manage to pull through with this investment, the returns are high as the smartphone industry is a highly lucrative one. At present, I doubt the success of the transaction as (1) risks are too high (2) returns have limited guarantee (3) successful transactions always boils down to financial status. There were analysts that believe Blackberry should discontinue their smartphone line and focus on software development to ensure the survivability of the business. I agree with this proposal as the struggling company needs to drop commitments and focus on key strengths in order to survive for the long run.


Update/Extra readings:

Blackberry should stop selling Blackberry:

BlackBerry might be sold to FairFax Financial:

Buying time for BlackBerry:

Smartphone market worth $341.4 billion by 2015: