Executive Members Needed

LASSA has three opportunities to participate more fully in life at SLAIS, while adding valuable experience to your CV. We are looking for students to fill the following positions: MLIS Member at Large, PhD Rep and Joint Member at Large. If you have any questions or would like more details please contact the MAS Co-President Erin Hanlon.
MLIS Members at Large FILLED
The MLIS rep should
• Make themselves available to all MLIS students and act as a contact between the students and the larger LASSA membership
• Help Organize the Orientation Session for New Students to SLAIS
More specifically, the duties of MLIS Members at Large are:
• Filling the print cards on a bi-weekly basis and will be reimbursed by LASSA
• Help in the recruitment of the MAS and MLIS first-year reps
• Responsible for taking photos of new students
PhD Member at Large (DRAFT)
According to the Constitution, the PhD Member at Large:
Orients and represents the interests of the PhD students.
The main responsibility of the PhD representative is to represent the interests of the PhD students to LASSA, and ensure that their views and opinions are taken into account in all LASSA decisions. The PhD rep should be available to all PhD students and provide a contact between them and the rest of SLAIS students. This means, then, that the PhD student must be in residence in order to be representative for LASSA.
Joint Member at Large FILLED
According to the Constitution, the Joint Member at Large:
Orients and represents the interests of all Joint students.
The Joint Members at Large should:
• be available to all Joint students and provide a contact between them and the rest of the students.
• organizes with the rest of the Executives the Orientation for new Joint students in September and January, introducing them to the school, the other Joint students and LASSA.
It is important that the Joint representative be visible and available for all the Joint students as they are such a small and marginalized group in the school. It should be made clear to the Joint students that their concerns are as important as those of the MLIS/MAS students and that their opinions are heard. This is a non-voting position

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