LASSA Executive Positions Available

LASSA has three opportunities to participate more fully in life at SLAIS, while adding valuable experience to your CV. We are looking for students to fill the following positions: Secretary/Treasurer, Events Co-Coordinator, and PhD Rep . If you have any questions or would like more details please contact the MAS Co-President Erin Hanlon.
Duties of the secretary-treasurer are to:
• Prepare financial reports for the LASSA executive at least twice a year
• Prepare a financial report for the AGM
• Send the draft Minutes for LASSA executive meetings to the executive
• Provide copies of the minutes and other important papers to the webmaster to be posted on the LASSA website
• Photocopy LASSA papers
• Liaise with the Secretary-Treasurers for the student groups
• Liaise with the SLAIS office staff regarding money matters (membership fees, joint expenses from parties, etc.)
• Maintain the current version of the policy manual (newly updated)
• Help to prepare the AMS budget and Executive list with the incoming secretary-treasurer and executive
• Weed the LASSA records
Events Co-Coordinator FILLED
Duties of the Events Co-Coordinator are:
• plan a beginning and end-of-term party or pub night;
• organize academic events such as colloquiums and workshops
• give student morale a much-needed boost with fun optional mid-term events
• help to organize new student Orientations (two per year)
PhD Member at Large
The main responsibility of the PhD representative is to represent the interests of the PhD students to LASSA, and ensure that their views and opinions are taken into account in all LASSA decisions. The PhD rep should be available to all PhD students and provide a contact between them and the rest of SLAIS students. This means, then, that the PhD student must be in residence in order to be representative for LASSA.

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