Search Committee Rep Needed

We have need for a representative to represent our voice on the Search Committee.
Edie has described the requirements of this position as follows:
“The work really begins when the applications close at the end of January. Committee members review all the applications and assess them, then attend one or more meetings to rank the candidates and create a short list. Those on the short list are brought in for interviews, probably in February and March. We expect to bring in 9 candidates for the 3 vacancies. Each visit lasts about a day and a half and much of that time involves the search committee in one way or another: they meet with the candidate, there is usually a breakfast or dinner, they attend the colloquium presented by the candidate. The student rep hosts an open meeting for students with the candidate. The student rep also collects feedback from students and acts as a voice for the students in conveying their opinions to the committee.”
We are hoping a Joint student would be willing to take on this task as the positions to be filled will involve both the archival and the library programs.
Although this position cannot be shared between two students the LASSA executive will support the person in the position to the best of our ability.
If you are interested or would like more information please feel free to contact LASSA at

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