Meeting Minutes, 2014-01-27

LASSA Minutes 1-27-14

Library and Archival Studies Student Association
2013-2014 School Year Meeting #8

Date: January 27, 2014
Location: SUB 212

In attendance:
Grace Romund (MLIS Co-President)
Kate Clayborne (Secretary)
Nicole Askin (MLIS First Year Representative)
Helen Halbert (AMS Representative)
Inti Dewey (GSS Representative)
Matthew Murray (Webmaster)
Mitchell Meler (GSS Representative)
Michael Wynne (MLIS Member-at-Large)
Stephanie Dror (MACL Member-at-Large)
Heather Gloster (Events Coordinator)
Kelsey Ockert
Christopher Stephenson

Regrets (Excused):
Adena Brons (Dual Member-at-Large)
Sheena Gardner (Events Coordinator)
Jordan Hatt (Treasurer)

Sehdeep Kaur (Faculty of Arts Representative)


Meeting called to order by Grace at 12:02 PM.

1. Approval of Minutes

A. The mention of in-person voting been removed from the section on AMS elections.

Nicole moves to approve. Inti seconds. All in favour, none opposed. Motion passes.

2. Changes to LASSA Exec

A. New Events Coordinator
a. Heather Gloster will be joining Sheena as Co-Events Coordinator for the remainder of
the term.

3. GSS Report (Mitchell & Inti)

A. Enrollment service fee increase
a. The increase will take place May 1 of 2014. While not yet technically approved, it
most likely will be.
b. Pertinent increases include fees for taking an exam at a UBC campus not your own,
for dishonoured payments and uncleared cheques, and for obtaining transcripts or
duplicate and replacement forms.
B. Health & Dental coverage
a. GSS was formerly approving expense reimbursements for things not covered by the
plan, and paying out of GSS funds.
b. The current health and dental plan has been reapproved for the time being.
c. Otherwise, the debate continues.

C. GSS building bookings
a. To increase use of the GSS building, charges associated with reserving space will be
decreased. The requirement of a deposit will be removed in favour of a support letter
from faculty promising payment will be made.

D. UBC Senate elections are currently taking place.

4. AMS Report (Helen)

A. The AMS was informed of a proposed increase to administrative fees.
B. They were also presented with the health care reapproval plan.
C. The AMS Mental Health Symposium is completely full and has a waiting list for interested
D. Planning continues for the transition to the Compass card system. The school is looking into
obtaining automated machines from Translink instead of finding an alternate means of
distributing the cards.
E. A new anti-harassment/discrimination policy has been passed for the student union. This
affects all the subgroups including LASSA. Helen will obtain a copy to be added to LASSA

5. Treasurer’s Report

A. Nothing of note has occurred since the beginning of term. The item is otherwise tabled until
Jordan is present.

6. Events

A. Director’s Forum
a. Caroline has provided her availability, offering the 18th or 24th of February and the 13th

or 17th of March. Due to Reading Week falling over the February dates, we will plan
to hold the Forum on March 13. Grace will speak with Connie to confirm.
b. SLAIS will be providing refreshments and assisting with room booking.
c. Location
i. For Susie to attend, the event must be held in IKBLC. However, Mary Grenier
has informed Grace that formerly available spaces in the building are now
under the control of UBC Libraries and very difficult to reserve for anything
other than library business. This includes the Chilcotin, Dodson, and Lillooet
ii. The possibility was raised of using the SLAIS lounge. However, Mary has
brought up that as the Forum can become a heated event, it should perhaps be
held in a closed space.
iii. The Terrace Lab, and IKBLC rooms 460, 461, or the entire Nass Room are all
options. Grace will book the Terrace Lab as a fall-back plan.

B. Annual General Meeting a. Following the last LASSA meeting, Grace again requested that we be allowed to hold
the AGM in the SLAIS lounge. SLAIS admin have agreed, with the request that the
AGM be held from 1-2 rather than 12-1.
b. A tentative date of March 4 has been set.
c. There are an estimated 275 students in SLAIS, calling for approximately 50 students
to vote in order for quorum (20%) to be reached. Grace will speak with AMS to
determine a means of proxy voting for students out of province.
d. Nominations must be opened two weeks prior to the meeting. Some interested parties
have already been found, and members of the exec will continue to speak about the
positions to other students.
e. An Eventbrite may be created for the meeting. The position descriptions available on
the LASSA website will also be publicized.
f. Pizza will be provided.

C. Librarians Library (Heather)
a. As discussed last meeting, Heather and Sheena are coordinating a human library
featuring librarians and archivists. They are seeking approximately 8 currently
employed recent SLAIS grads to participate. While they have a tentative list, they have
not yet made contact and are welcoming suggestions.
b. The event is tentatively scheduled for Monday, March 3. It would take place over a
two hour window (such as 11-1), and the participating librarians and archivists could
come and go as schedules allow.

7. New Business

A. New room booking procedure:
a. Subgroup members will now book rooms through the online scheduling service. They
can choose a preferred building, but may be placed elsewhere.
b. Veronica at the SLAIS front desk has now been given access to see whether rooms are
free, although she cannot book them herself. She will check to see whether a room is
open prior to a student group putting in the effort towards reserving it, slightly
streamlining the process.
B. Upcoming LASSA meetings
a. Our next meeting is scheduled to fall on Family Day. Following Monday is Reading
Week. The next LASSA meeting will thus take place on February 24, 2014.

Meeting was adjourned by Grace at 12:44 PM.

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