Library and Archival Studies Student Association
2013-2014 School Year Meeting #9
Date: February 24, 2014
Location: SUB 212
In attendance:
Grace Romund (MLIS Co-President)
Kate Clayborne (Secretary)
Helen Halbert (AMS Representative)
Inti Dewey (GSS Representative)
Matthew Murray (Webmaster)
Mitchell Meler (GSS Representative)
Sheena Gardner (Events Coordinator)
Heather Gloster (Events Coordinator)
Sehdeep Kaur (Faculty of Arts Representative)
Kelsey Ockert
Regrets (Excused):
Adena Brons (Dual Member-at-Large)
Jordan Hatt (Treasurer)
Nicole Askin (MLIS First Year Representative)
Michael Wynne (MLIS Member-at-Large)
Stephanie Dror (MACL Member-at-Large)
Meeting called to order by Grace at 12:05 PM.
1. Approval of Minutes
A. No revisions were received.
Inti moves to approve. Sehdeep seconds. All in favour, none opposed. Motion passes.
2. Events
A. Director’s Forum
a. To be held March 13, 2014
b. As no space is available on that date in IKBLC and to enable Susie’s attendance we
cannot meet in the SUB, space has been reserved in Buchanan. The room can
accommodate 26 attendees. We will go forward with this location.
B. Annual General Meeting
a. To be held Tuesday, March 4, 1-2 PM in the SLAIS lounge.
b. Grace & Jordan will arrange for food to be provided.
c. Grace has spoken with AMS, and remote voting will be allowed to count towards
quorum. i. The voting period will take place over twenty-four hours. Information will be
sent out the day prior with the ballot as it stands at that time. Remote votes can
be emailed to Grace.
ii. Students, particularly those who have previously expressed interest in LASSA,
are being encouraged to nominate themselves in advance of the AGM.
Archives representation is particularly needed.
iii. Nominations can be sent to Grace.
C. Librarians Library
a. To be held Monday, March 3.
b. Sheena and Heather are asking for help with crowd control if necessary. If it does get
busy, students can “check out” librarians in small groups rather than individually.
c. It is very important that students show up, as the librarians are sacrificing their
time/shifting work schedules to help us out. The exec is asked to promote the event
and bring friends along.
d. Sheena will send a Powerpoint slide to Mary Grenier to advertise on the TV screen in
D. Accreditation Q&A
a. To be held Tuesday, February 25.
b. Sheena will promote this to the new cohort in Aaron’s core course.
c. As not everyone will be able to attend and Caroline prefers the event not be recorded,
LASSA is considering taking our own unofficial notes.
i. Grace volunteers to take notes.
ii. As an alternative to posting these notes online, they may be distributed
individually to those who request them. A means of distribution is to be
iii. The statement sent out to the school by SLAIS is to be the only official word
on the accreditation.
d. Concerns brought up previously have been sent to Mary Grenier by Grace. Further
questions can also be sent to Heather & Sheena to be forwarded on.
3. AMS Report (Helen)
A. Just Desserts Award
a. This AMS award is presented to a staff member, faculty member, or student who has
shown exceptional service to their student body, as defined by the nominating
students. As LASSA has AMS representation, we are able to nominate one individual
for this award.
b. Sheena and Helen advocate for nominating Lisa Nathan, professor.
i. Sheena: Lisa is incredibly supportive, helps people with individual research, is
very in touch with the professional world, contributes her time and money to
student development.
ii. Helen: Lisa puts great effort into the FNCC and its students,
supporting both professional experience projects and academic work.
Through her work on the school’s committee for research ethics she
also provides support to faculty members. She has also been
instrumental in the approval of the Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI) sub-specialization at SLAIS, now open to MLIS and MAS
c. Inti advocates for nominating Grace.
i. Sehdeep agrees that Grace has gone above and beyond in her work as LASSA
MLIS President for the students of SLAIS.
d. Grace advocates for nominating Mary Grenier. i. Grace: Although most students remain unaware, Mary works exceptionally
hard on behalf of the student body. We are aware of no other awards
recognizing staff efforts.
e. Following secret ballot vote, Grace has been selected as LASSA’s nomination for the
Just Desserts Award.
B. AMS election results have come in, and the new exec will begin service at the meeting after
4. Treasurer’s Report (Jordan)
A. As Jordan works Mondays and is unable to attend meetings in person, she has forwarded a
report on to Grace. She is available to answer questions via email or meet in person by request.
B. The LASSA Activity log and all club balance sheets are current.
C. All deposits and receipts received as of February 15, 2014 have been submitted to AMS. The
deadline for submitting receipts before the end of the fiscal year is Monday, March 24, 2014.
D. A LASSA Request for Additional Funds form has been created and is available in Google Doc
form. The treasurer’s FAQ has been updated to reflect changes in protocol re: requests for
additional funding.
E. Funding has not yet been received from AMS or SLAIS for the LASSA Halloween party.
Jordan will be investigating the issue this week.
F. The cheque from SLAIS for membership fees from the September 2013 cohort has been
received, in the amount of $1,100.
G. Jordan’s request for a reimbursement of money spent towards an organizational folder for
LASSA’s treasurer (to be passed on with the position) was approved. The paperwork was
signed by Mitchel Meler & Kate Clayborne.
H. As Jordan is graduating, she is creating a general guide to the responsibilities of her position to
mitigate any confusion during the transition between treasurers.
5. New Business
A. The matter of PEP surveys is to be revisited once again at a later date.
B. The date of the next LASSA meeting is TBA, so as to avoid conflicting with the Librarian
Library event.
Meeting was adjourned by Grace at 12:38 PM.