Library and Archival Studies Student Association
2014-2015 School Year Meeting #2
Date: August 26, 2014
Time: 12:00
Location: Trail Room
In attendance:
Kelsey Ockert (MLIS Co-President)
Nicole Askin (Secretary)
Monica Swamiraj (Events Coordinator)
Michael Wynne (AMS Representative)
Nichole DeMichelis (MLIS First-Year Representative)
Inti Dewey (GSS Representative)
Rachel Balko (MACL Representative)
Matthew Murray (Webmaster)
Regrets (Excused):
Mitchell Meler (GSS Representative)
Roohie Kaur (Treasurer)
Chris Stephenson (MLIS Member-at-Large)
Alamir Novin (PhD Representative)
Adena Brons (Dual Member-at-Large)
Meeting called to order by Kelsey at 12:06.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved via email with no revisions during the summer months.
1. LASSA Appreciation Awards & Ice Cream Social Debrief
2. LASSA Meetings
Kelsey reports mostly positive feedback from these two events. The faculty were not particularly happy about the admin and faculty awards, as they feared these were too much of a popularity contest. Nominating comments were distributed to non-winning students. Faculty praised the kid-friendliness of the ice cream social.
A. Location: Kelsey will check the availability of the Trail Room for this year’s LASSA meetings and will distribute a Doodle poll to determine the most amenable meeting times.
B. Agendas: Agendas will be emailed out prior to meetings rather than printed. If meetings are held in the Trail Room, they will additionally be written on the whiteboard.
3. Orientation: 207/209 SUB, 12-3pm, 2 September 2014. Kelsey will send an email to the club presidents and the student body at large informing them of this event.
A. Introduction: Kelsey and/or Nichole will be introducing LASSA and its function within SLAIS. The introduction will include details on Nichole’s role as first-year representative, information on the upcoming potluck, important sources of information (mailing list, Facebook page, calendar), and open executive positions (which potentially include treasurer, MAS representative, member-at-large, AMS representative, and GSS representative – exact openings to be confirmed). Nichole will create and send out a Google document to plan what will be said and to potentially develop a handout for distribution. Representatives from LASSA will intermingle with the students at their tables to promote information sharing.
B. Student Groups: Each student club will make a presentation at the orientation. Out on the Shelves will be participating this year. A UBC librarian has asked to present on the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians, with the aim of soliciting members for a nascent student chapter. MACL representatives will also promote awareness of their program.
C. Photos: LASSA will once again organize the taking of photos for the stalker wall. Instead of printing out names, the possibility of using a small chalk- or whiteboard will be explored. Matthew will provide a camera for the event, which will be operated by Inti.
D. Pizza: SLAIS estimates 70 attendees for the event, requiring an order of 20+ pizzas from Pi R Squared. The exact composition of the order was debated and determined; it will include gluten-free and vegan options.
4. Potluck
The potluck will be held on 5 September at 5pm. At the request of the UBC Food Bank, attendees will be asked to supply a non-perishable food item, raising awareness of the Food Bank’s services.
5. Other business
A. The bus loop construction creates a confusing and potentially dangerous situation for students and others coming in and out of Barber
B. The LASSA website design will be discussed at a later date; a new SLAIS website is expected to be launched this week
C. It may be necessary to discuss the streamlining or improvement of information sources
D. Pursuant to a suggestion raised last year, part of the SLAIS bulletin board will be repurposed to promote LASSA. All executive members will supply a photo, email address, and Fun Fact to be posted on this board, accompanied by the description of each member’s position from the website.