The LASSA AGM is coming!

The LASSA AGM is coming up soon — February 20th, to be exact. We strongly encourage absolutely ALL SLAIS students to come out and attend — if you attend only one LASSA-related function this year, this is the one to go to. There will be:
* Free food (pizza!)
* Election of the future LASSA exectutive (and you all get to vote!)
* Ammendments to the LASSA constitution
* Plus more!
When: 12:15pm-1:15pm, February 20th, 2006
Where: Lecture Hall #6, Woodward Biomedical Building (2194 Health Mall)
And remember: everyone has received a LASSA nomination form in their mailbox — go ahead and nominate someone (or get someone to nominate you), and stick it in Jeremy Duffin’s mailbox by February 10th, 2006.

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