Orientation 2006

Okay everyone,
This page will act as our online meeting place for all of us involved in Orientation. So welcome!
We will be using this space to brainstorm our ideas for how we want the timeline for this orientation to look and to sign up for the volunteer positions that are critical to making this event work. Daphne will let us know through this blog what the deadlines are for each part of our planning process so that this year’s Orientation can be a success.
To help facilitate this process, I have included the volunteer positions that Daphne included in her email to us. Please read through them and feel free to add your name to whatever job it is that you feel you can do.
So, here is a list of what needs to be done for the Orientation. If someone has already agreed to help with something, or it is a part of their position, Daphne has included that. If anyone would like more help with their task, please let us know.
Booking: Done
Sending info to Debra: Daphne
Food/Drink: Emily, Christine
Tours (maps, finding volunteers): Shawnna
Orientation Booklet: Matt, Leah
Orientation Packages (getting bags, filling bags): Karine
Buying Film/Taking Photographs: Erin I, Danya (could use another person as well)
Cards for the contact list:
Booksale information:
Contacting student chapters to speak at Orientation*: DONE
Contacting UBC Library to speak at Orientation*: DONE
Contacting UBC Archives to speak at Orientation*: Erin H
*Each speaker will have 5 – 10 minutes to speak.
The order of speakers can be decided in August. Also in August, we will need to determine who will help set up and clean up (just the food — the room will be set up for us).

Okay, did we decide in the last meeting that we were going to include a Book Sale page as part of this Blog? If so, I will get it up and running. If we do this, do we want to send out the address and password for this Blog to the general SLAIS population so that they start posting the books they want to sell?

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5 Responses to Orientation 2006

  1. Erin Hanlon says:

    The blog could have an entry for booksale postings but the password should not be given out. I think we talked about setting it up as it’s own blog. I’m not sure if we have the ability to host more than one blog on this platform.

  2. Erin Hanlon says:

    Would anyone be interested in organizing a Raffle for the Lunch. This would involve soliciting donations, obtaining a roll of raffle tickets and sending some kind of acknowledgment to the donors.

  3. Daphne Hamilton-Nagorsen says:

    We did decide to have the booksale as part of the blog. I believe we were still going to hold a booksale in September as well.
    I agree that the password should not be given out.

  4. Shawnna Parlongo says:

    Hi all!
    Suher and I just wanted to give everyone a quick update about the orientation tour. We’ve met, worked out a route and all the highlights we think should be covered or at least pointed out. We’ve walked the route ourselves today and it takes about an hour. We are now compiling everything into a map/tour leader info sheet to give to our volunteers. We figure we’ll need at least 8 volunteer leaders and we’ll be soliciting for them asap. Anyone interested in being a leader please let one of us know. Thanks!

  5. Erin Hanlon says:

    Sounds great.

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