It’s that time again! LASSA’s annual general meeting!
This year it’s happening Tuesday, March 4th at 1pm in the SLAIS Lounge.
This is the meeting where we hold elections for the executive board for the 2014-15 academic year. If you want to make a difference in SLAIS as a student throughout your program, being a part of LASSA is a great place to start. For all subgroups of LASSA (e.g. ALA, BCLA, Librarians Without Borders, etc.) to continue to receive funding from AMS there needs to be a significant showing of students at this meeting or else accounts will be frozen. Needless to say this is a meeting that will affect all SLAIS students and you are strongly encouraged to attend and vote. Also, there will be pizza.
Positions available are (click the links for more in depth descriptions):
- MAS and MLIS Co-Presidents
- Secretary
- Treasurer (We require one of these to continue existing and currently have no nominees.)
- Events Coordinator
- MLIS, MAS, Joint, MACL, and Phd Members at Large
- MLIS and MAS First Year Representatives
- GSS Representative
- AMS Representative
- Faculty of Arts Representative
- Webmaster/Content Manager
If you are interested in any of these positions, please email our current president.