Whatcha need to know, and tools to get you there
Useful information for you and the iSchool programs is scattered about various websites. Take some time to explore the iSchool blog, the LASSA website, the Students at SLAIS site & calendar, and the SLAIS website before classes get too hectic.
There are tons of amazing support networks and opportunities for grad students at UBC. If you need help with anything from stress management to course planning to finding a roommate, chances are there’s a way we can help! If you can’t find a service, feel free to contact Nichole (1st year rep) at ndemichelis@gmail.com and I can point you in the right direction. You can also email Kelsey & Sarah at kelsey.ockert@gmail.com, & segiesbrecht@gmail.com or LASSA at lassa.ubc@gmail.com.
SLAIS & Student Life
Students at SLAIS Calendar, everything interesting that’s going on: http://studentsatslais.weebly.com/
An up to date, complete calendar of SLAIS & local library events. Student club activities, SLAIS lecture series, and outside library events can be found here. You can also save the calendar and import it into your own calendar software (such as Google Calendar).
Student Groups, contact and follow your favorite student groups! http://studentsatslais.weebly.com/student-societies.html
SLAIS Social Page (facebook), SLAIS community social page https://www.facebook.com/groups/slaissocial/
A facebook page for all SLAIS students & alumni to post interesting articles, thoughts & opportunities.
Cohort facebook Page, Just for your intake!
Every cohort has their own facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/721657217905741/
LASSA Website, About Lassa, meeting minutes and other goodies https://blogs.ubc.ca/lassa/
Learn about your friendly neighbourhood student representatives! Additional resources for those new to British Columbia. Library Blog List coming soon!
Administrative Contacts
- Mary Grenier’s Administration Manager (m.grenier@ubc.ca)
- Connie Wintels Administrative Assistant (ischool.admin@ubc.ca)
- Melissa Nightingale: Student Services Coordinator (ischool.ssc@ubc.ca)
- Veronika Yorumez: Program Assistant (ischool.program@ubc.ca)
- Peter Ward: Information Assistant (ischool.info@ubc.ca)
Connect, Online Classroom
At http://slais.ubc.ca/, in the bottom left of the page, there is a link that reads iSchool Central Portal Login. This will bring you to a login page that connects you to the online portion of your courses.
WISE, Online Courses through partner schools http://slais.ubc.ca/programs/courses/wise/
After your first semester, you’ll have the option of taking some online courses that are offered by partner universities and colleges. You can read more about this program and its offerings at the link above!
Course List, Plan your degree http://slais.ubc.ca/programs/courses/course-list/
Use this section to understand different degree requirements, specializations and course offerings.
Student Services, Register for courses http://ssc.adm.ubc.ca/
Log in with your CWL, then use this system to see course times and your own personal timetable. As a bonus, if you go to Course Schedule→Registration→Timetable and click “Download your schedule to your calendar software.” This will create a file you can import into Google Calendar or any other calendar software! *Enroll the minute you can & plan a term ahead!
Using the Library
EZ Proxy, Off Campus Library access
At http://www.library.ubc.ca/, the login link in the top right corner will give you the choice of logging in to EZ Proxy (use your CWL). This will allow you to access all the library’s resources when you’re off campus. Bonus: if you use refWorks, you can login to that here too!
Library, Archival and Information Science Research Guide, Online Resources about LIS http://guides.library.ubc.ca/libraryarchival?hs=a
Links to Library, Archival & Information Science databases, encyclopedias, and more. If you’re in the MLIS, LISTA and LISA are going to be a god-send. UBC Library also has subject guides specially for archival and children’s literature. A great place to start your research!
Work Experience
UBC iSchool News, Volunteer & employment opportunities (for students & grads) https://blogs.ubc.ca/ischoolnews/
To see opportunities relevant to you, select “Employment – Student” from the sidebar. These jobs are usually part-time, paid, and relevant to SLAIS.
Experiential Learning, Work experience on your transcript http://slais.ubc.ca/programs/courses/experiential-learning/
Get credits instead of money! Good way to initiate a project or get your foot in the door. Talk to Dan Slessor or check out existing opportunities at the iSchool News Blog.
Co-op, Short term paid work opportunities http://slais.ubc.ca/programs/degree-specializations/5120-2/
Strangely nestled under “Degree Specializations” on the SLAIS website, Co-op is your in to interesting, student-specific opportunities. You don’t get credits and you still have to pay tuition, so it’s up to you to decide if the jobs are worth it (spoiler: some are). There are many exciting jobs are outside Vancouver!
Canadian & American Job Lists, for full-time, professional employment
http://www.libraryjobs.ca/ – Provincial and Territorial Libraray Associations of Canada
http://www.cla.ca/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Library_Careers – Canadian Library Association
http://www.joblist.ala.org/ – American Library Association
http://www.pnla.org/jobs – Pacific Northwest Library Association
These resources are great just for finding out what kinds of jobs are out there, and having a look at potential salaries, job requirements, experience required etc for various positions you will be applying for soon!
Health Insurance, You have it! http://www.ihaveaplan.ca/rte/en/UniversityofBritishColumbiaAMSGSS_Home
Go to the dentist!
Awards, Scholarships & Grants http://slais.ubc.ca/programs/financesfunding-and-awards/awards-and-scholarships/
UBC Calendar
UBC Academic Calendar, http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm
UBC Events Calendar, http://www.events.ubc.ca/
Keep track of various dates and events, like start and end of semester, reading break, and things going on around campus.
UBC Health & Wellness Center http://students.ubc.ca/livewell/services/counselling-services
Free counselling and other wellness services. Take advantage of it while you can!
AMS Food Bank http://www.ams.ubc.ca/services/food-bank/
Grad school is expensive! Use the food bank if you need it, and contribute if you don’t.