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Blog 12: Speaking Truth to Power

History goes in circles with its genocides, racist habits, and violence. Hasn’t the world had enough of this already? However, even though these atrocities continue, those that stand in opposition are the true fighters. As seen in the Madres Video Where are our Children, speaking out against the Mexican government about their missing children, and their missing rights as human beings. Although I’m not quite fluent in Spanish, I was able to understand a fair bit of what was said, and it was truly heartbreaking. It wasn’t just the language and the words they were using, but the passion and emotion they portrayed that held tight tot your soul as they asked for help saying, “you are our last hope.” Like the Zapatistas before them and the drug lords in the cartel after, Mexican government has had it’s problems with murderous maniacs that tend to gain control through fear and violence. These women’s actions called attention to the terror going on, showing the world what was really happening behind closed doors. These atrocities aren’t just native to Latin America, but to Africa between the Hutu and Tutsis, the Guatemalan Civil War, Jewish and Japanese concentration camps, in the US with 9/11, and even now in Syria with the Aleppo battles, the world has long been attuned to these horrors, and its people like these mothers that are willing to stand up and fight that make a difference.


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