This weeks reading regarding the slaughterhouse was quite hard to read. Echeverría depiction of the scene, was very graphic and very purposefully this way. He depicted the scene so gruesome to show what the rule of rosas was like in his perspective, since he was against Rosa he wanted to put a negative extreme view on it.

Within the start of the reading of “the slaughterhouse”, when we get to the slaughter we are presented with a bloody scene. Butchers covered in blood while, behind the butchers come those trying to scavenge for any remaining meat they can get there hands on. The author also clearly uses specific wording to demonstrate that the rapid animals(dogs) are among the black and mulatto woman. Painting those of darker skin tone as closer to being related to the hounds, making us dehumanize them in some form. The use of race is very clearly used in the description. We also see how the most typically eaten parts of the cows are given to those higher in power and of lighter skin tone, while the black woman are eating intestines and bladders. Next the author uses the movements of the boys in the scene to further his view. The boys in the scene are seen throwing and playing with the cows balls and innards. These boys are throwing the innards on top of woman’s heads and playing catch with it. Echeverría does this to show how out of place things are. That things are not where they should be. As innards are meant inside the body, yet they are being put on individuals heads.

Echeverría uses extremely descriptive wording when describing the scene. He wants you to feel disgusted, he wants you to feel the need to stop reading. In the story everyone in the scene is completely normalized with all going around, no one is in shook of the events occurring. Which can only lead us to believe that this occurrence might not be the first of its kind. Echeverría is showing the negative of rosas rule and how the rest of Argentina will be under his rule or more broadly under the rule of the caudillos. He is trying to manipulate us to the other side of the spectrum.

Further discussion
1. do you think this occurrence was the first of its kind? Why or why not?

2. did Echeverría go deep enough with his description of do you think he could’ve gone further?