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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

It’s a good thing marijuana is illegal in most of North America, right? We wouldn’t want kids to be exposed to this drug more frequently than they are now.  And to have a multitude of weed-smoking groups in every backyard or alley would be frightening! So why then is the state of California allowing its […]

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Is there a single person in our society today who has not heard of Facebook? What about Youtube? And Twitter?  The impact which social media has on our world is astounding. Each day millions of people watch videos online and post comments on their friends’ walls. It has grown to the point that entire events […]

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Rona Inc. and Canadian Tire Corp. are two huge retail companies who enjoy a stable presence in the Canadian market. According to the article, “Canadian Tire, Rona Map Out Different Growth Plans”, both companies are currently looking to expand their operations in the next couple of years. However, each has a different strategy for achieving […]

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An intriguing topic which we have covered in Comm101 involves the positioning of products in the mind of the consumer. It was mentioned in “Positioning” by Riels and Trout that the easiest way to ensure the success of your brand or product is by being first. Basically, this means beating everyone else to the starting […]

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The implementation of the harmonized sales tax (HST) in British Columbia, has become a source of constant stress for numerous businesses. In particular, restaurants have been negatively impacted by the HST. For instance, restaurant owners have found that their consumer base has dwindled due to this increased taxation. Regular customers would be less inclined to […]

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It seems that our society has finally begun to criticize the unreasonable demands that employers have of their waitresses in restaurants.  According to the article, “Sexy should not be part of mandatory dress code, restaurant association says”, women who work in sports bars and other popular eating places are being forced to adhere to a […]

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