
Teaching standards are a way for certificate holders to know what they are expected to do, what they are able to do and how they conduct themselves in and out of the classroom. They aren’t rules but are guidelines that teachers are meant to follow. They exist so that the public can trust in the education system and so that teachers have parameters set for them.
I feel that #2. Educators are role models who act ethically and honestly would be the most problematic for some. After being in this program for a year I have heard many voices that suggest that it is unfair that teacher’s personal lives need to be upheld to the standards of the BCTF. Many feel that their teaching life and their personal life should be separate and that actions and events that take place in their personal lives should not be treated as a reflection of their teaching capabilities. I am unsure how I feel about this personally, since I feel like my personal life does uphold the standards but if it doesn’t continue to do so will I be willing to modify it so that it falls in line with the BCTF’s expectations? I think this question is what many of my colleagues are currently asking themselves.

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