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Creating a Page

Most of the content on the Learning Commons site is created as Pages rather than Posts. Posts are primarily reserved for Features. Pages are typically used for more static content that won’t be updated daily or weekly. Posts are reserved for content that is more dynamic. We chose posts for Features, since they are updated frequently.

To create/edit a page, go to the “Pages” section of the Dashboard on the left-hand side. Under the “Pages” tab there are 2 links (if you can’t see them, you can expand the “Pages” tab by clicking on its arrow): ‘Edit’ and ‘Add New’.

To add a new page, simply click the ‘Add New’ link; to edit an existing page, either click the ‘Edit’ link or the “Pages” tab, and you will be redirected to a list with all pages where you can click on the page you want to edit, or search for it using the search box (after searching, you still have to click on the page to edit it).

In order to properly create a page on the leap website, you must ensure that:

1) It has a parent. To select a page parent, in the page editing/creating form, select the parent of the page using the “Parent” drop-down list under the “Page Attributes” section on the right-hand side.
2) It is properly tagged. To tag, enter any relevant tags in the list on the right-hand side of the page under “Post Tags.”
3) The template of the page is the “Default Template.”

All Learning Commons pages should normally have a parent page, unless they appear in the main menu on the page (e.g. Home, Get Started, Get Conscious, etc.) or they are in the title bar (Feedback, etc) and are exempt from navigation.

To publish a page, simply click the “Publish” button using on the right menu.

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