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Creating a Post

On the Learning Commons website, Posts represent the pieces of content that appear on the front page of the website in the carousel. They can be modified just like Pages, except that instead of accessing the ‘Pages’ tab, you need to click the ‘Posts’ tab to create, publish, edit or delete posts.

Archived posts are found on the Features RSS page.

Here’s a short screencast that demonstrates how to add a post:

Categorizing Posts

To categorize a post, enter the Edit page for the posts you wish to edit (by selecting the post you wish to edit from Posts->Edit, or by adding a new post using the ‘Add New’ link under the ‘Posts’ tab on the dashboard). On the right hand side there is a section titled “Categories.” This box contains a list of all categories used on the website.

To finish categorizing the post, simply click the check box corresponding to the category you want to register with the post; if the category does not exist, add a new category. To add a new category, click the ‘Add New Category’ button (the category will be automatically checked for the current post, when added).

Please make sure you categorize all Feature posts under the ‘Features’ category.

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