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Practicing technical writing through these projects helped me improve and gain confidence in writing various business-related documents.

1. Definition Assignment

The purpose of this assignment are:

  • Appreciate the importance and role of definitions in technical writing
  • Understand how audience and purpose indicate the need for definition
  • Differentiate between the levels of details in creating a definition
  • Select the right level of detail according to the situation

This exercise allowed me to practice creating educational materials as a nutrition professional. I look forward to creating more of these posts in the future, targeting different audiences.

2. Peer review of the Definition Assignment

This activity helped me start writing using the “YOU” Attitude format.

To: Sidney Singh

From: Lea Ang Salamanca

Date: October 4, 2021

Subject: Review of your definition of Botrytis cinerea

Your peer-review of Botrytis cinerea is now complete. Thank you for your effort in making the definition approachable for non-technical readers. Below are some comments and suggestions that will increase the effectiveness of this document.

Clarity: The parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions of Botrytis cinerea are clear and accurate. Your post helps novice wine drinkers understand the complexity of sweet winemaking by using words that are easy to visualize.

Organization: The following methods of expansion in the blog post are: history, the role of Botrytis cinerea in sweet wine production, a visual of Botrytis cinerea in grapes, examples of popular brands of sweet wine from various countries and flavours created by the fungus in sweet wine. The expansion methods provide adequate information introducing Botrytis cinerea’s unique function in sweet winemaking to store customers. The inclusion of the brands of sweet wines and their flavours is beneficial for customers purchasing sweet wines. Here are some suggestions regarding minor revisions on the material’s organization and formatting.

Changing the last sentence of the first paragraph of the expanded definition to “The right conditions are needed for Botrytis to be beneficial as the fungus can easily destroy the grapes.” The first paragraph has sentences highlighting the benefits of Botrytis cinerea in making sweet wine. Switching the right conditions of Botrytis cinerea to the beginning of the sentence gives it a positive tone consistent with the other sentences. Stating the negative feature of the fungus at the end of the sentence introduces the readers to the complexity of using the fungus in sweet winemaking, which is explained in the next section (Lannon & Gurak, 2020).

The second sentence in the second paragraph is overstuffed. “Second, the ideal conditions in the vineyard are damp misty mornings to allow the growth and spread the fungus followed by warm afternoon to limit the growth of the fungus and prevent it from destroying the grapes.” It will be helpful to break this sentence down into separate sentences to help the readers visualize the ideal conditions needed to make sweet wine (Lannon & Gurak, 2020).

Formatting: Writing Botrytis cinerea in italics throughout the document is the correct way of writing the names of bacteria. There is also a misaligned gap in the parenthetical definition “Botrytis cinerea( a fungus that grows on grapes; used for sweet wines).”

I hope that these suggestions are helpful. This report’s suggestions are based on the book Technical Communication, fifteenth edition by Gurak and Lannon. If you have any questions, please send me an email at

Here is the link to the definition assignment document:


3. Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

This is a challenging writing exercise that enhanced my editing skills. It is a good exercise to practice writing outlines.

Formal Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Technical Writing Professor

From: Lea Ang Salamanca, English 301 Student

Date: October 15, 2021

Subject: Proposal for Creating a Marketing Research and Comparative Analysis Report of Vegetable Packaging Options for Glacier Greens Farms

Background information and information about the reader of the report:

Jessica Fung is a pediatric occupational therapist and the owner of Glacier Greens Farms (GGF). Ms. Fung has been assisting neurodiverse children for seventeen years and noticed that most capable neurodiverse children grew up having difficulties getting and keeping employment as adults. In 2017 Ms. Fung started working on GGF to educate, prepare and employ neurodiverse individuals. GGF is beginning production on December 2021 and plans to sell its products by January 15, 2022. I decided to help Ms. Fung start her farm because I support GGF’s goal of providing work experience for neurodiverse children. As a nutrition student, I am also interested in learning how hydroponic farms operate. Since I have a background in running a food business and have experience making business reports, I volunteered to help Ms. Fung conduct a marketing research and vegetable packing options for GGF. To comply with the requirements of this course, I will prepare a written formal marketing and comparative analysis report to assist Ms. Fung in choosing the right product mix, setting competitive prices, and choosing cost-effective packaging materials for GGF’s products.


Glacier Greens Farms (GGF) is an urban organic farm established by pediatric occupational therapist Jessica Fung. It plans to start growing vegetables in a forty-foot containerized hydroponic facility in its first location in the Surrey School District on December 15, 2021. It plans to produce 3000 heads of butterhead lettuce, tatsoi and kale, and 120 pounds of arugula, basil, and radish per month. The company plans to sell its products directly to consumers through its website and farm location. As a first-time business owner, Jessica Fung is seeking assistance in researching various packaging options for the farm’s products which will be available for purchase by January 15, 2022. For more information about the company, please visit the farm’s website at

Statement of Problem

This report aims to provide recommendations regarding marketing and packaging to Jessica Fung, owner of Glacier Greens Farms before the company’s launch on January 15, 2022. The objectives of this report are (1) to determine GGF’s potential customer’s vegetable buying preferences and habits (2) assist in setting the price of the farm’s produce (3) provide recommendations on finding other sales channels other than retail sales to maximize revenue (4) present different packaging options for the company’s products and determine the initial packaging costs that GGF needs to allocate for packaging.

Proposed Solutions

To determine GGF’s potential customer’s vegetable purchasing preferences, primary data will be collected via an online survey targeted to GGF’s potential customers who reside within School District 44 in North Vancouver. Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to gather data for this report: Prices of butterhead lettuce, tats, kale, arugula, basil and radish from Real Canadian Superstore and Whole Foods Market both located in North Vancouver will be gathered to assist in making recommendations regarding product pricing. Primary data collection on vegetable packaging products and pricing will be collected through direct contact of packaging manufacturers through emails and phone. 

In analyzing hydroponic farm market trends and market growth, secondary sources such as agricultural industry reports, restaurant and consumer industry trend reports, and Statistics Canada will be utilized. 


This report will include comparing the pricing recommended by the hydroponic farm manufacturer and comparing these prices with two grocery stores near Blueridge Elementary School, identifying the types of vegetables customers prefers to buy and determine customer price preferences through surveys, researching market demographics and marketing trends in the industry to identify marketing opportunities for GGF, and researching packaging products and pricing. Recommendations about vegetable pricing, product mix, identifying sales channels and packaging will be based on the marketing data gathered for this report.


My primary data sources will include doing an environmental scan of vegetable packaging materials by going to farm markets and upscale groceries. I will also contact through email or phone various vegetable product packaging companies in The Lower Mainland.

Secondary sources will include looking at various farm producers’ publications and directories for a list of produce packaging suppliers in North America.

My Qualifications

I have worked as a food business owner in Canada for eight years. As a previous small business owner, I have experience researching packaging materials for various food products and contacting different food and packaging vendors. I am confident that I will be able to recommend the most cost-effective packaging options for GGF. I can prepare a comprehensive formal report that will help GGF during its initial business phase and assist GGF in planning for the company’s future packaging needs as the company grows and explores new markets.


Green Glaciers Farms opens in three months. Jessica Fung, GGF’s owner, is currently overwhelmed with work in various aspects of the business, such as finalizing leasing agreements and attending farm operations orientations. The comparative analysis report of vegetable packaging options for Glacier Greens Farms will make it easier for the owner to decide about GGF’s produce packaging needs urgently. With your approval, I will begin research at once.

Progress Report MEMO with Survey


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Professor of Eng 301 Technical Writing

From: Lea Ang Salamanca, Team Potluck Member, Eng 301 Technical Writing

Date: October 29, 2021

Subject: Progress on Formal Marketing Analysis for Glacier Greens Farms (GGF) and Comparative Report of Vegetable Packaging for GGF

Dear Dr. Paterson,

Thank you for your assistance in guiding us in making a formal report. As you have requested, below is my progress report.

Purpose of the report and significance of the report

This report aims to provide marketing recommendations for maximizing revenue of Glacier Greens Farms during its launch on January 15, 2022 and provide a comparative report for vegetable packaging for the company’s products.


The report will be submitted to Jessica Fung, owner of Glacier Greens Farms (GGF).

Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To determine potential customer’s vegetable buying preferences and habits
  • To assist in setting the price of the farm’s produce
  • To provide recommendations on finding other sales channels other than retail sales to maximize revenue
  • The comparative report for vegetable packaging will help determine the right packaging option for the company’s products and determine the initial packaging costs that the owner has to allocate for packaging.


Primary data collection via an online survey targeted to GGF’s potential customers who reside within School District 44 in North Vancouver.

Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to gather data for this report:

Primary data collection on vegetable packaging products and pricing will be collected through emails and phone.

Secondary sources will include researching vegetable retail marketing trends and reports.

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report:

WordOutline_Formal ReportRevisedLASalamanca

Research plan: 

In order to conduct a marketing analysis and provide recommendations, I plan to:

  • Coordinate with Jessica Fung to determine the types of vegetables and pricing recommended by the farm manufacturer
  • Record prices of selected vegetables from two upscale supermarkets in the area to determine the maximum price that customers can tolerate 
  • Conduct surveys to identify types of vegetables that customers prefer to buy and GGF can produce
  • Research market demographics and marketing trends in the vegetable industry to identify marketing opportunities for GGF
  • Research packaging products and pricing through industry websites, email, and phone
  • Data analysis on surveys 
  • Produce visuals based on survey data 
  • Writing Schedule:

November 1-7           Conduct survey and start secondary data collection

November 8-15         Initiate data processing and analysis

Start writing market analysis draft 

November 16            Formal report draft due

November 19            Peer review of formal report draft due

November 26           Formal report due   

Thank you for taking the time to review this progress report and professional insights that will help me improve on this report.

4. LinkedIn best practices memo

I found this exercise very useful because it presents the modern way of effectively communicating in the workplace by avoiding the use of imperative words.


To: Team Potluck, Eng 301 Techinical Writing Group

From: Lea Ang Salamanca, Team Potluck Member, Eng 301 Technical Writing

Date: October 22, 2021

Subject: Ten Best Practices for Using LinkedIn

Dear Team Potluck,

Linkedin is a professional networking internet site that students can use to find meaningful internships and jobs. It is a valuable tool in creating an online professional brand that boosts one’s chances of finding job opportunities. To help everyone get started in building LinkedIn profiles, below are the ten best LinkedIn practices:

  • Having a clear sense of purpose and desired outcomes before making the profile
  • Completing the profile page thoroughly
  • Including at least five skills on the profile
  • Practicing intentional networking by aligning with individuals or companies that fit one’s goals
  • Showcasing work, leadership, knowledge and proficiency in status updates, group conversations and LinkedIn answers
  • Maximizing profile visibility by using relevant keywords
  • Utilize the power of the alumni network when making connections
  • Remembering the purpose of using the LinkedIn profile when sharing connections and ideas
  • Acting or replying promptly when receiving introduction requests and inquiries
  • Getting involved as an active candidate when looking for a job. Actively calling hiring managers of relevant job postings rather than relying solely on emails

I hope that my research helps in assisting you build your LinkedIn accounts. If you have any questions, please send me an email at

Works Cited:

Akande, Olutube. “How To Increase Your LinkedIn Profile Visibility.” LinkedIn. November 2017,

Calkins, Andrew M. “LinkedIn: Key Principles and Best Practices for Online Networking & Advocacy by Nonprofit Organizations.”(2013). Retrieved from Sophia, the St. Catherine University repository website:

Elad, Joel. LinkedIn for Dummies. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014,

McCabe, M.B.”Social Media Marketing Strategies for Career Advancement: An Analysis of Linkedin.”(2017). Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences. 29-1. Pg. 85-99. Retrieved from:

“Your LinkedIn profile-Overview.” 22 May 2021,


5. Memo to Evan Crisp

This is another exercise that focuses on practicing writing with the “YOU Attitude.”


Date:      November 5, 2021

To:          Evan Crisp, UBC Undergraduate Student

From:     Lea Ang Salamanca, Eng 301 Student

Subject:  Best Practices for Effective Emails to Professors


Thank you for seeking advice on creating effective emails to UBC professors from the students of ENG 301 class. Below are some suggestions that are useful in sending email requests. These tips are helpful when requesting to get into a course.

List of suggestions:

Emails that follow these practices help obtain a positive response:

  • Including a subject line in the email will notify the professor about the urgency of the email.
  • Addressing the professor by name or preferred title signifies respect for the professor and helps create a positive introduction.
  • Creating a proper introduction that includes the student’s name, ID number, and course name, and section. Providing all the relevant information needed makes it easy for the professor to grant student requests.
  • Using a respectful tone when asking for requests encourages a more helpful response.
  • Avoiding the words “I” or “me” and keeping the focus on the professor makes the email’s tone sound considerate and less selfish.
  • Focusing on the course’s positive aspects, such as displaying interest in learning about the subject, motivates professors to help students.
  • Keeping email requests short, organized and concise shows respect for the professor’s time.
  • Concentrating on the details of the task being requested and avoiding unnecessary personal details that do not involve the professor gives the email a more professional tone.
  • Setting a time for reviewing and correcting the email for grammar, punctuation, sentence construction and tone before sending the email will make the email look professional and shows consideration for the reader.
  • Showing courtesy when sending requests will assist in getting a positive response.
  • Thanking the professor at the end of the email shows politeness. Polite requests are generally considered and granted in the workplace.

Treating professors like future employers is a good way to practice professionalism in the workplace. Although it is a part of the professor’s job to assist students, writing with respect and courtesy is a valuable skill that students can practice. Practicing professionalism will bring good returns in schools and at work. If you have any questions, please send me an email at Wishing you all the best this upcoming semester.


6. Complaint letter and Response Letter

I really enjoyed making these letters as it is very useful in real life.

Sample Complaint letter

Concord Parking

201-3001 Wayburne Drive

Burnaby, BC Canada V5G 4W3

Date:          July 8, 2021

Subject:     Ticket number 2003032476

Attention: Mr. Emerson Chua, Dispute Officer

Dear Mr. Chua,

On July 7, 2021, at 4.00 pm, my family had an appointment with Ms. Marie Nickl from the Ministry of Children and Family and parked at spot number 24 provided for building customers. When we returned to our vehicle at 5.00 pm, I found a ticket for $40.00 on our family car’s windshield.  

In front of the building, a sign states that the parking lot is for the building’s customers. We have received an erroneous ticket and would like to request the cancellation of the parking ticket payable by August 7, 2021. 

Attached are the following documents for your reference: 

    1. Copy of the email confirmation of meeting with Ms. Nickl 
    2. Printed photo of the customer parking sign at the building entrance of 4430 Halifax street, Burnaby.

Thank you very much for your consideration of this request.

Best regards,


Lea Ang Salamanca

Sample Bad News Business Letter

Fiesta Creative Catering Inc.

800 20th Street, 

New Westminster, BC, V5G 4A7


November 5, 2021


Public Relations Department

Trane Energy Systems, 

XXXX Beta Avenue, Burnaby BC, V2L 6G4


Attention: Ms. Charisse Tan, Socials and Public Relations Officer

Subject: Request for refund for event held on September 16, 2021

Dear Ms. Tan,

On September 16, 2021, your office ordered the Classic Roast Beef Special Lunch for 25 people, priced at $20.00 per person. The order was delivered and set up at Trane’s conference room, ready for lunch at 11:50 am.

On September 17, 2021, you sent us a request for a refund for $100.00 because only twenty people came to the office luncheon.

All orders received and delivered to customers follow a set amount of food allocated for every catering order. The kitchen allocates 6 ounces of roast beef, 3 ounces of potato salad, 1 cup of green salad and a 3-inch square lemon bar for every order of The Classic Roast Beef Special. The amount invoiced and produced is based on the confirmed guest count two days before the event to guarantee that the best quality ingredients are reserved for your order and to ensure that kitchen and service staff are available to be of service to your guests on the day of your luncheon. Your order for twenty-five people was enjoyed by the twenty people who attended your event. For this reason, our company is unable to give the refund of $100.00 that you have requested because only twenty people showed up during the luncheon.

If you have any questions, please email us at or call our office at 604-524-4321.

Thank you very much for your business, and we hope that we can be of service to Trane Energy Systems at your next company event.

Best regards,


Lea Ang Salamanca

Catering Manager, Fiesta Creative Catering Inc.


7. Peer Review of a Formal Report

Making a peer review of a formal report was challenging for me because the task requires focus and attention to detail. I had to read my peer’s formal review and use the “Writing with the You Attitude” as a guide to make my comments which took a long time.

To: Noah Saini, Student of English 301

From: Lea Ang Salamanca, Student of English 301

Date: November 19, 2021

Subject: Peer Review of Determining Feasibility of Improving the Accessibility of Hybrid Learning at UBCO’s Campuses

Your peer-review for “Determining Feasibility of Improving the Accessibility of Hybrid Learning at UBCO’s Campuses” is complete and includes overall impressions and notes for each section of the report. Your questions are welcome.

First Impressions

  • This draft has all the necessary parts stated in the instructions for this assignment.
  • The lay-out of the report is visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Adding labels of titles on the figures enhances the readability of the tables and allows the reader to search the report quickly.
  • The MLA citations for the websites are missing the dates accessed, and replacing the “References” heading to “Works Cited” will make the document comply with the MLA formatting style.


  • The abstract mostly encapsulates the content of the report.
  • Expanding the sentence “in-person learning has components that are difficult to replace such as …” and adding a short sentence about what students like about online learning will improve the abstract’s clarity.
  • Writing some advantages of increasing funding and accessibility of hybrid learning for UBCO that is found in the conclusion will make the abstract engaging for the reader.


  • The introduction provides a good definition of hybrid learning.
  • Avoiding big chunks of text helps improve the readability of this section. Paragraph two may be information that the reader already knows and may be unnecessary in this section.

Data Section

  • The survey includes relevant questions such as student acceptance and usage and faculty acceptance and usage of the hybrid learning model.
  • The layout of the tables is clear, and the visuals contain essential information that the reader can use in evaluating the need to improve the accessibility of hybrid learning.
  • The organization of the headings is logical.

Conclusion and Recommendations

  • This section contains a good summary of the benefits of online and in-person learning.
  • The recommendations are comprehensive and include necessary details.

Concluding Comments

  • Overall, this report draft contains comprehensive data and analysis of the feasibility of improving the accessibility of hybrid learning at UBCO.
  • Here are some suggestions that will encourage the reader to implement the recommendations of this report:


    • Writing with a positive tone. For example, the fourth sentence in the abstract can say, “Due to the positive support of students of hybrid learning, increasing accessibility of hybrid learning by investing in training, improving policies, flexibility, support, and research can increase enrolment at UBCO. Stating how this report benefits UBCO will keep the reader’s attention and encourage action.


    • Editing the fourth paragraph of the introduction by removing the challenges encountered in making this report will give this section a more confident tone. Consider removing these parts of the sentences: “Given the challenges of scope, time, and student participation” in the second sentence and removing the words “although limited” in the third sentence. Transferring the challenges and limitations to the recommendations section by stating, “conducting a new study with a bigger sample size is beneficial in exploring this topic further” focuses on encouraging action instead of highlighting challenges.


    • Avoiding imperative words. In the third paragraph of the introduction, consider deleting the latter part of the sentence that says, “it would be expected that the school’s administration could act upon the recommendations.” This deletion will make the sentence favourable to the reader.


    • Revising the verbs in the recommendations section by replacing the imperative verbs with informative words by adding the -ing at the end of the verbs. For example, replacing the words have, delve, train, and so on and changing these words to having, delving, training, etc. This simple removal of imperative verbs makes the report informative instead of giving orders.


  • When editing for the final draft, staying in the present tense when possible is recommended. For example, in the data section, under Student Acceptance and Usage, updating the section that says, “81% of students stated that” to “81% of student states that” will keep the report in the present tense.
  • Whenever possible, using an active voice instead of a passive voice reduces word count.

Thank you for the opportunity to review this work. The editing recommendations are from Tips for writing a first draft and The You Attitude and Reader-Centered Writing, available in the Instructor’s blog. If you have any questions, please send me an email at

Here is the link to the report draft: Noah Saini- Formal Report Draft