I got a chance to sit down with Bridget Kirkland to speak to her about the experiences and the execution of their project. Group 27 had to build cold frames and create a crop rotation plan for Tyee Elementary School. They needed to create a survey in order to proceed with their projects so, two members were delegated to crop rotation plans, two were delegated to the cold fames and three members conducted the survey.
In order to put together the cold frames, 3 individuals went shopping for supplies at Home Depo. Unfortunately they faced a few set backs such as sold out inventory, limited services at Home Depo and the fact that the cold frames were too large to fit into the car. They were able to resolve these problems very quickly by cutting up the frames into smaller, reassembled sections. Two pre-assembly sessions were held within the team to ensure that all members knew how to put together the cold frames.

November 7th rolled around and group 27 headed to Tyee Elementary School to demonstrate the construction of the cold frames with students in grade 6. Two different models were presented and Tyee has the choice between which frame they prefer after the winter months have passed. Each of the frames had different advantages. The hood house (arched frame) allows more sunlight and gives the plants more space to grow, whereas the shorter one protects more from strong winds. We will just have to wait and see which frame Tyee Elementary School picks.