British Columbia Institute of Agrologists
The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists (BCIA) is the self-governing regulator of registered agrologists in British Columbia. Those with a degree in Applied Biology can choose to match their courses with the requirements to resister as a Professional Agrologist (PAg) or Technical Agrologist (TAg). New registrants are granted Articling Agrologist (AAg) status and must complete the Articling Program.
Having a PAg or TAg designation is a requirement for certain jobs in Agrology in BC and an asset on your resume for jobs where it is not a requirement. Having a student membership with the BCIA is free and can open doors to networking and job opportunities in the field.
See here for examples of Areas of Practice where a PAg or TAg may be of benefit:

Read more: about BCIA, the profession of Agrology, registering as a student, professional development requirements and applying for PAg and TAg.

College of Applied Biology
“Registrants of the College of Applied Biology (CoAB) are professionals who meet high standards for entry into the College and the right to the designation, RPBio, Registered Professional Biologist, RBTech, Registered Biology Technologist, RBTech or ABT, Applied Biology Technician. They are the practitioners who take the theoretical knowledge of biology and apply it in a wide variety of fields to help us manage and protect our natural resources to the benefit of the public.” – CoAB
There are a variety of post-secondary programs you can enrol in to gain your status as an RPBio, RBTech, and ABT. You begin as an in training registrant prior to getting your certification. Students can also apply to be part of the College. Students are not registrants and are not regulated.
Read more: about CoAB, registering as a student, Applicant Self-Assessment Tool.