- Veterinary Behaviour Master’s Student Position at Purdue UniversityA Master of Science (MS) Degree Position Available in Veterinary Behavior Medicine Position The MS position is available for a highly motivated individual to work with Dr. Niwako Ogata in …
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- Graduate Research Assistantships in Animal Science – University of IdahoDescription Wildfires are becoming more frequent and severe, a trend that is expected to continue into the foreseeable future. Wildfires emit numerous air pollutants that contribute to disease when inhaled. …
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- Fully funded M.S. position in Food Studies at Syracuse UniversityM.S. Position in Food Studies at Syracuse University. Position Description. Graduate research assistant to work under the supervision of Dr. Rick Welsh, Professor of Food Studies (https://falk.syr.edu/people/welshrick/), as part of …
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- MSc in Aquaculture at UBCResearch Area As the aquaculture industry expands there is increasing push to reduce reliance on antibiotics and other chemicals to prevent or treat impacts from pests and pathogens. Methods to …
- MS Student Position in Social Science and Dairy Cow WelfareAnimal and Food Sciences, University of Kentucky In collaboration with the University of Minnesota and University of Prince Edward Island
- Research Internships at Mitacs!Mitacs Accelerate Updates Mitacs is pleased to share a few updates about Mitacs Accelerate! Accelerate supports collaborative research internships between students, faculty members, and non-academic partners. Undergraduate students are now …
- MSc opportunity with AAFC/LFS in Climate Change and Agricultural PestsThis is an exciting opportunity for a student interested in climate change and its effect on biological systems – particularly those involving agricultural pests and their management to protect crops. …
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- Grad School Opportunity: Food Microbiology at Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaThe food microbiology program at the Summerland Research and Development Centre is led by Dr. Karen Fong and conducts research to ensure the safety and security of the Canadian food …
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- West Vancouver Foundation ScholarshipThis year the West Vancouver Foundation is offering the Hartvikson Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Lourdes Llamzon to be awarded to an individual enrolling in a post-secondary institution in Canada studying sustainable agriculture …
- Grad and PhD positions in Linking cow/calf performance to cow behavior and cattle genomicsProject Title: Linking cow/calf performance to cow behavior (habitat and diet selection) and cattle genomics Degree Opportunities: PhD Preferred (×3). Applicants at the MSc level also considered. Timelines: Preferred start …
- MS and PhD Student Positions in Precision Livestock and Animal Behavior ProgramThe College of Agriculture, Food and Environment at the University of Kentucky is seeking a motivated graduate student with an interest in calf and heifer management, an interest in ruminant …
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- University of Calgary: Grad Student Opportunities in the Department of Production Animal HealthThe Department of Production Animal Health of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in collaboration with partners, is seeking a graduate student (MSc or PhD) with interest in the bison industry …
- UBC Graduate Certificate in Aquaculture: Registration is open!Interested in sustainable food sources, ocean sciences, or cultivating fish and aquatic plants? Consider a career in aquaculture! We are now accepting applications for this one-semester program for fall 2021. …
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- Undergraduate Student Research AwardsFor Domestic Students: NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards “If you are an undergraduate student who’d like to get research experience in an academic setting, you should consider applying for an …
- Western Canadian Dairy SeminarRegistration is now OPEN for the 2021 Western Canadian Dairy Seminar! Online, March 8 to 12, 2021 is the ‘Virtual. Dairy. Reality’ Western Canadian Dairy Seminar (WCDS). Spread out over …
- Virtual One Health International Summer School -`Hidden figures in the food chain`From soils to plants, animals and humans – explore health connections along terrestrial food chains in different food production systems. Experience cutting-edge research and connect with leading One Health scientists …
- MSc Opportunity in Animal Welfare at Dalhousie UniversityWe are recruiting an MSc student for a project on long-term effects of the early environment for mink kit performance, stress responsiveness and welfare at the Agricultural Campus of Dalhousie …
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