There are 3 new courses for the Winter 2013 Session! Check them out:
APBI 316 (3) Equine Biology, Health and Nutrition. Physiology, growth and reproduction of the horse; nutrition, diet formulation and feeding practices; common diseases, their prevention and treatment. [3-0]
Prerequisite: 3rd year standing, Permission of instructor. Winter 2013 Term 2 *Will appear on the Course Schedule on June 11*
APBI 414 (3) Animals and Global Issues (previously APBI 490 sec 002) Research seminar integrating diverse information to address global animal issues including: animal-source foods and human health, environmental impact of livestock production, trade in exotic animals. [3-0-0]
Prerequisite: One of APBI 314, APBI 315. Winter 2013 Term 1
APBI 415 (3) Applied Animal Behaviour Application of principles and research methods of animal behaviour to practical problems in the care of farm, companion, wild and research animals, and in animal training, and human-wildlife conflict. [3-0-0]
Prerequisite: Introductory course in animal biology or animal behaviour, e.g. BIOL 310, PSYC 306). Winter 2013 Term 1