BCIT Environmental Health Program – accepting for Sept 2016

Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) protect the quality of our air, water and food in BC and across Canada.  Salary ranges are $51,000 to $74,000 in BC. 

The BCIT Environmental Health program is a two-year program that allows you to earn a Bachelor of Technology in Environmental Health.  Once you complete our program you will be eligible to sit a national certification exam.  Upon certification, you’ll work to protect the public from health risks in important areas such as food safety, drinking water protection, air quality, pest control, noise control, housing and sanitation, land use and recreational water quality (swimming pools and beaches).  Your role will involve health education and promotion and advocating for healthy communities.

For more information, visit our website:


The following link provides a short video on the typical activities of an EHO:


We are now accepting applications for Sept/16.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Martin Macleod, Program Head
BCIT Environmental Health Program
Phone:  604-432-8807  Fax:  604-432-1816
Toll Free:  1-800-663-6542, ext. 8807
Email:  martin_macleod@bcit.ca
Program Information:  www.bcit.ca/health/enviro

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